Netflix, HBO or YouTube suspended or limited during the general closure – Society


As of this Friday, Portugal will return to general confinement.

The measures will come into force for a month and will be similar to those applied in March and April of last year, with the aim of slowing the progress of the Covid-19 pandemic, but with some exceptions.

With the number of new infected people exceeding 10,000 daily cases and the daily death toll above 100, the prime minister made it clear on Wednesday that “we are in the most dangerous moment of the pandemic.”

Under the new general co-regulation decree, telecommunications companies will have to prioritize essential digital services over entertainment platforms that consume more data online. Thus, services such as Netflix, HBO, Disney + or YouTube may be limited or even suspended as a last resort.

It is recalled that in the first confinement, in March and April 2020, the online consumption of the Portuguese skyrocketed.
