NASA and SpaceX already have a date for Crew Dragon’s first manned flight


SpaceX has shown that Space is not reserved for entities like NASA or Roscosmos. This private company has accomplished something that many countries don’t even dream of today. You have your rocket fleet you will soon have another great news.

NASA has been known to rely on SpaceX to soon begin placing its astronauts on the ISS and making this a normal process. The first manned test was expected to occur soon and now there is an official date and it will be a milestone.

SpaceX NASA Manned Crew Dragon ISS

A giant step for SpaceX

This step that will soon be taken is extremely important to NASA and SpaceX. In the case of the US space agency. In the USA, there certainly is no longer a dependency on Russia and Soyuz. For the second, it is the beginning of commercial flights into space.

To mark this moment, and thus initiate this change, Jim Bridenstine, the current NASA administrator, revealed the date that everyone expected. It will be on May 27 that Crew Dragon will head to the ISS, carrying 2 astronauts inside.

NASA's future goes through this flight

For this maiden voyage, SpaceX will have one of its Falcon 9 rockets to place Crew Dragon in space. Inside will be astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley, each with specific roles in travel control and anchoring with the ISS.

The launch of this first manned flight will take place at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This is the same starting point from which NASA's last space shuttle launched in 2011.

Crew Dragon will head to the ISS

This trip will be the final test to evaluate what SpaceX has created. During the flight, elements such as the environmental control system, displays and control and even orientation will be tested.

The capsule is prepared to fly and dock alone on the ISS, but in this case the flight will be manual and controlled by the astronauts. In this way they anticipate possible problems in the future.

Manned flight that opens doors to the future

It will undoubtedly be a unique moment. SpaceX shows that it is above the competition and also opens the door to its commercial space flight service.

NASA, on the other hand, picks up a tradition that had stopped almost 10 years ago and gets rid of Roscosmos and Soyuz.
