Must-have street mask starting today. These are the five exceptions – O Jornal Económico


As of this Wednesday, October 28, the use of a mask is mandatory for “access, circulation or permanence in public spaces and roads whenever the physical distance recommended by the health authorities is impractical.”

This law will last for 70 days, ending at the beginning of January 2021, and then it will be evaluated and may be renewed, if the epidemiological situation of the country justifies it, in accordance with the law that came into effect today.

The control of the use of masks in the street “is the responsibility of the security forces and the municipal police”, but the law determines that their priority role will be “a function of awareness and pedagogy due to the importance of wearing a mask in public spaces and roads. . when it is not possible to maintain social distance ”.

However, the law provides for fines of between 100 and 500 euros for anyone caught in the act.

These are the five exceptions to the mandatory use of a mask on the street:

1 – Upon presentation of a medical certificate for multipurpose disability or medical statement, in the case of people with cognitive, developmental and psychological disabilities;

2 – After the presentation of a medical statement proving that the person’s clinical condition is not compatible with the use of masks;

3 – When the use of a mask is incompatible with the nature of the activities carried out by people;

4 – In relation to people who are part of the same household, when they are not in the proximity of third parties;

5 – Children under 10 years of age are not required to wear a mask on the street.

The law that came into force today also establishes the realization of “awareness campaigns, in social networks and among the population, on the importance of wearing a mask in public and road spaces, to guarantee the spontaneous adherence of the population to this other individual and collective protection measures, as well as promoting the use of reusable masks and the correct disposal of non-reusable ones ”.
