“MRPP was a political school that I do not deny”


Ain Gomes, an independent candidate from Belém, was interviewed this Monday by Miguel Sousa Tavares, in the series of interviews that the commentator is conducting, on TVI, in the framework of the presidential elections, which will be held on January 24.

One of the topics discussed during the meeting was the militancy of the former MEP in the MRPP, before April 25.

Ana Gomes began by assuring Miguel Sousa Tavares that she does not regret having been a member of this controversial party and that it “was on the right side on November 25”.

“I do not regret being a member of the MRPP. The MRPP was a political school, a great citizenship school that I do not deny”, He stressed, remembering, however, that he left the party in January 1976, after the Carnation Revolution, because he concluded that “democracy had to be built by everyone.”

Regarding Chega, Ana Gomes reiterated that this “It should never have been legalized because it is a xenophobic, racist party and has the purpose of destroying democracy” and made sure that will ask the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) to “review of the legality of Chega ” if he is elected President of the Republic.

When asked about her appearance in a debate against André Ventura, Ana Gomes said that she would never miss the meeting, but admitted that she would refuse to shake the deputy’s hand.

“André Ventura will pay a health compliment”He shot, still throwing barbs at the current President of the Republic on this matter.

“Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa is normalizing a racist and xenophobic party, he has not been fighting the infiltrations of the right in the security forces […]”He stressed, adding that it is “incompatible” for a Head of State to swear to defend the Constitution and assume office by a government supported by André Ventura’s party, since it is a political force “that wants to destroy the Constitution.”

“We are not the perfect country, but we can be among the best in the world”

Asked about the causes that led her to run for the Presidency of the Republic, Ana Gomes listed “the rule of law, Democracy, transparency in public office” and the objective of “restoring trust to the public in Justice “, recalling the” terrible murder of the Ukrainian citizen in the SEF “.

Already before her frequent criticisms of the country, the socialist rejected the idea that she does not like too many things in Portugal.

“I like everything in Portugal! We are not the perfect country, but we can be one of the best in the world. I have a lot of admiration for the Portuguese, we have an organizational problem and that is why, out there, the Portuguese are successful. The Portuguese are quality people “, he clarified.

“The one who governs is the Government, but I will not stop exercising a magistracy of influence”

Regarding the presidential powers, Ana Gomes stressed that they are all “to be used”, but guaranteed that she will respect “the separation of powers, as enshrined in the Constitution.”

“It is clear to me that who governs is the Government, but I will not stop exercising a magistracy of influence and this can make a big difference. In Justice, for example, I will surely make a big difference, I will be very attentive., he clarified.

“TAP is a strategic company for Portugal”

Regarding the restructuring of TAP, Ana Gomes argued that it is “a strategic company for Portugal.”

“If there were no TAP we would not have an intercontinental hub in Portugal and we should try to have one. TAP was the main exporter in Portugal, it is a company with an immense number of jobs, it is a company that must be defended. We are seeing everyone that other countries turn to their companies and therefore I think we should do it “, He clarified, adding that “it is necessary to spend money on TAP.”

“Democratic institutions were perverted, captured in many ways”

Finally, on the fight against corruption, which has been one of the main flags of the former MEP, Ana Gomes considered that “Justice must use the means at its disposal to be effective, especially when it has to deal with financial, economic and highly organized crime”.

“The rule of law is being perverted when, for example, some law firms, some companies called tax consultants use professional secrecy to be where money laundering and tax evasion plans are carried out. […]”, he is stressed.

In conclusion, Ana Gomes said that “democratic institutions were in many ways perverted, captured” and argued that, by not “responding to the citizens”, they were guilty of letting “the populists who have an agenda grow.” destruction of democracy “.

Also read: Ana Gomes says that the Chega party should not have been legalized

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