Moura. GNR disperses guests to gypsy wedding with 300 people – Observer


A wedding party for Roma citizens in the municipality of Moura, Beja, with about 300 people It was interrupted by GNR last Friday, at 2 in the afternoon, after an anonymous complaint. The information was confirmed by authorities in response to the Observer.

GNR, which guarantees that it had no prior knowledge of the wedding, confirmed the presence of around 300 people in a plot of Póvoa de São Miguel, municipality of Moura, “without compliance with the preventive measures of contagion by Covid-19, namely social distance and the use of masks ”.

Then the military advanced to “the dispersion of the people, which was achieved without any incident occurring ”. “The facts were communicated to the Judicial Court of Moura”Adds an official GNR source.

The Jornal de Notícias reveals that the ceremony took place on land donated by the Póvoa de São Miguel City Council (JFPSM), located on the town’s motocross track. According to the same newspaper, this transfer was made with the guarantee that there was an opinion from the Public Health Authority and that the security regulations issued by the Government would be complied with in the fight against the covid-19 pandemic: maximum of 20 people, hand disinfection with alcohol-gel, use of masks and compliance with social distance.

On Facebook, the mayor of Moura, Álvaro Azedo, wrote that on Friday afternoon he asked the GNR “to intervene so that the meeting is completed as fast as possibleBecause there has been an anonymous complaint and adds that the municipality had already spoken “against the holding of such a party.”

“With regard to the wedding of Póvoa de São Miguel, those responsible for the Moura Detachment by GNR .; PSP; and other members of the Coordinating Center for Civil Protection (which meets every morning) know perfectly well that the Municipal Civil Protection Service of Moura [SMPC] has spoken out against the celebration of such a party. And, in the file made by the GNR and that reached the Public Ministry, there is even an opinion requested by the SMPC from the Public Health Authority ”, she says.

“I should also mention that although yesterday afternoon I was on duty at the Herdade da Contenda, I spoke several times with the GNR officer in charge of the Detachment, requesting intervention so that the meeting could be completed as quickly as possible. I asked the president of the Freguesia Board the same ”, he adds.

I am completely in favor of the men and women who represent their population in prominent positions being …

Posted by Álvaro Azedo on Saturday, August 29, 2020

This case even led to a controversy between the Chega party and Mayor Álvaro Azevedo (PS). In his post on Facebook, the mayor of Moura never writes the name of André Ventura’s party, but makes allusions to “fascist propaganda”, “racism” and “xenophobia”. “I only ask one thing: that the difficulties and fascist propaganda never tolerate reason and the ability to realize that the path we have to travel must be demanding and never resort to hatred,” he writes.

Among the various issues that he mentions as criticized by Chega, Álvaro Azevedo comments on the public support that the municipality has given Roma families to buy food and a pharmacy. “The Moura City Council supported 21 Roma families. Of these, only 5 are to pay their expenses and, sure, they will, “he says.

The mayor points out that other “15 non-Roma families” received the same type of support and that they also have “small situations to regularize. Regarding this matter, we are talking. All the people have been regularizing the situations and it does not seem decent to me that this fact deserves to be hated ”, he concludes.

Text updated at 21:24
