Mota-Engil wins 280 million contracts in Angola – Construction


Mota-Engil signed a contract in Angola for some 335 million dollars (281 million euros at the current exchange rate) for the rehabilitation of one road and the construction of another, the construction company led by Gonçalo reported on Monday. Moura Martins.

In a statement sent to CMVM, the company details that the contract was signed by the subsidiary Mota-Engil Angola “in 50/50 partnership with the company Omatapalo, SA”.

The contract covers the “rehabilitation of the EN 230 between the locations of Muamussanda in the province of Lunda Norte and Saurimo in the province of Lunda Sul in an extension of 267 km. The construction of the new Circular Bypass is also part of this contract” .
of Saurimo in an area of ​​39.5 km, thus totaling the project 306.5 km “, says Mota-Engil. The contract, estimated at approximately US $ 335 million, will have a duration of 18 months and will start immediately, corresponding to the “Strengthening the order book in the road infrastructure component, thus diversifying the type of works in progress in that market, a fundamental aspect in the risk mitigation policy and maximizing the use of the assets that the group has in the country” The construction company also points out.

In August, Mota-Engil posted the best monthly performance on the stock market since January 2013, boosted by the announcement last week of a partnership with Chinesepare, which will assume a stake of more than 30% in the construction company controlled by the António family . Speck.
