Morreram mais 27 pessoas in Portugal with covid-19 and confirmed cases increased 2.5% – coronavirus


The number of fatalities in Portugal due to o novo coronavírus increased for 762, or that translated a rise in 27 deaths (+ 3.7%) face to ontem, when they were counted 735, announced to DGS this terrace, April 21 .

The number of infected (confirmed cases) increased 2.47% to 21,379, being absolute thermos to a rise in cases of 516. Ontem tinham increased 3.25% to 20,863.

OR daily growth of the number of deaths accelerated in absolute thermos (27 against 21 ontem), whereas a taxa de crescimento also cresceu (3.7% against 2.9% ontem).

Verify yourself slowdown in the growth rate of the number of infected (2.47% vs. 3.25% ontem). Absolute thermos also tambix baixou (516 against 657 ontem).

A tax of growth two new cases has been since April 11 at home two 3% and tax of growth two deaths also came to Baixar.

I have a count or number of infected and dead victims, lethality tax of 3.56%, slightly above the registered ontem (3.52%).

Second or daily bulletin of the DGS, has 441 deaths not North (more than metade do total), 133 in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, 171 in the center and 11 in the Algarve. Os Açores registered six deaths, in Madeira and Alentejo continued to be victims of death to regret.

Amongst the deadly mortals, 507 more than 80 years old; 159 between 70 and 79; 77 between 60 and 69; 20 between 50 and 59 and 11 years old between 40 and 49 years old. 382 são mulheres e 380 homens.

The number of suspended cases increased for 202,769 (ontem was in 198,353) and 5,009 people awaited results of laboratory tests (4,739 ontem).

There are 917 cases recovered, there have been two 610 in the last days, surpassing the first time or number of deaths.

The number of people under surveillance by the authorities is now 30,646 (against 30,805 ontem).

Fewer people welcome us hair on the fifth day

I give you indicate that two more than 21 thousand confirmed cases, 1,172 they are hospitalized, or that corresponds to a decrease from 3% face to ontem (1,208).

Not that I say I respect the other boarding schools Intensive Care Units (ICU), verified a reduction of 1%, for 213 (ontem tinham decreased 4% for 215).

This is the fifth or fifth day followed by a decrease in the number of hospitalized patients and the third day of the number of ICU hospitalized patients.

Assim, just 1% of infected people are admitted to intensive care. Total, 5.62% two infected are hospitalized.

The North region (12806) continues to be the region that registers or the greatest number of confirmed cases, as most of the total goal. Segue-se Lisboa e Vale do Tejo (4896), região Centro (2999) and Algarve (313). There are 107 cases in Açores, 85 in Madeira and 173 in Alentejo.

This is a division of two cases confirmed by concelho, it being only three that we have registered more than a thousand cases each:

Pandemic já matou more than 170 thousand people around the world

A pandemic of covid-19 has killed more than 170,000 people and has been infected for 2.5 milhões around the world, since it emerged in China, the second day of the AFP at 11:00.

According to the data given by the French news agency, based on official data, 170,368 registered deaths and more than 2,483,840 infected in 193 countries.

Hair less 558,400 foram considered cured by the health authorities.

The United States, which recorded the first death linked to or not the final virus in February, led the number of deaths and cases, with 42,364 deaths for 787,901 cases.

Hair minus 72,858 people were declared healed by the health authorities of the United States.

There are two United States, the most affected countries are São Paulo, with 24,114 deaths in 181,228 cases, Spain with 21,282 deaths (204,178 cases), França with 20,265 deaths (155,383 cases) and the United Kingdom with 16,509 deaths (124,743 cases).

To China (excluding the territories of Hong Kong and Macau), onde to an epidemic that was not the end of December, counted 82,758 cases (11 new ones between the second day and the day), including 4,632 deaths (nenhuma nova) and 77,123 cured

At 11:00 a.m., Europe registered 106,837 deaths for 1,216,075 infected cases, the United States and Canada 44,073 deaths (824,571 cases), Asia 7,169 deaths (172,863 cases) and the Middle East 5,683 deaths (129,497 cases), America Latina and Caraíbas 5,354 deaths (109,662 cases), Africa 1,161 deaths (23,251 cases) and Oceânia 91 deaths (7,927 cases).

AFP warns that the number of diagnosed cases barely reflects a failure of the real number of infections, since a large number of countries are now only testing cases that require hospital care.
