More than half of the roads are of poor or very poor quality


An analysis of almost 5,000 kilometers, of 37 national highways and main routes with the highest accident rate, is only located around 6% with four and five stars.

Only 6% of the 4880 kilometers of the main national highways with the most fatalities in the country are of good or very good quality for motorists, motorcyclists, pedestrians and cyclists. On the contrary, there is a whole universe of more than 2,500 kilometers of roads. [52%] with bad or very bad traffic conditions, most of which are concentrated in the Center and the South, there are 2,052 kilometers left, which are reasonable but require investment, which must be done by listening to the people.

This is the image of the road network, made in 2018 by the European Road Assessment Program (EuroRap), revealed this Friday by the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR). According to the European non-governmental organization, which analyzed 57 sections of 37 national roads and classified them based on a scale between one [piores] and five stars [melhores] – The biggest problems are related to the poor condition of the floor, lack of visibility of roads and side dividers.

Of the 4880 kilometers, it was in the north that EuroRap found the best sections. As it descended south, the hazard map began to darken, with the roads in the center and the Alentejo being the worst. However, there are also roads in the north that lead to subsidence, such as the EN202 sections, from Melgaço to Monção and from Viana do Castelo to Soajo.

Roads are not for motorcycles

Only 58 kilometers were considered safe for motorcyclists, in contrast to the 3601 kilometers that these vehicles must avoid. It is the worst result of the parameters analyzed. National routes are not better for cyclists either: only 97.2 kilometers received four and five stars. On those roads, where between 2015 and 2017 there were 141 deaths per year, on average, 136 kilometers do not represent a danger for pedestrians. And motorists can rely on 300 kilometers of good quality roads – 6%.

The lack of shoulders and sidewalks, roads that are not visible and the absence of central dividers are some of the causes of the classification, and the level of risk was calculated based, among other factors, on high speed.

EuroRap advises investment in roads, noting that “the study has shown that it is important to ensure that local communities have the opportunity to contribute to road design.”

Questioned by JN, ANSR decided not to comment on this study.
