More than a third of the Portuguese do not want to be vaccinated against Covid-19


In qasks “when is there a vaccine against COVID-19-19, do you believe in it and will you get vaccinated? “48.5% of those surveyed answered” yes “, 37.2%” no “and 14.3% have doubts, do not know or do not want to reveal what they will do.

In this study of Eurosondage for Porto Canal and the weekly Sol, the majority of respondents who oppose the vaccine are women (37.2%), compared to 36.9% men.

Among men, the vaccine has more support (49%) than among women (48%). THE Eurosondage did not stratify responses to this question by age group.

Another question posed in the survey was reapplication From Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa to President of the Republic, 72% responded that “it went well”, 15.5% “did not do well” and 12.5% ​​expressed doubts or did not respond.

The study also included a question about the “great controversy between Current telecommunications operators and ANACOM on 5G. “In responses, only 15.2% of respondents said they agreed with” an open auction to new operators. “The” improvement and universality of Current 3G and 4G mobile network and voice “was the option chosen by 65.5% of those surveyed, and 19.3% did not respond.

In the traditional legislative barometer, the PS continues to lead, with 38.8%, rising almost in the same proportion (2.4 percentage points) of the decline of the BE (2.3 percentage points) in relation to the results of the last legislative.

BE falls by more than one percentage point (1.1) compared to November, the PS increases 0.5 pp and the PSD 0.3 pp

OR PSD now collects 29.4% of preferences, BE 7.2%, CDU 5.3%, 5.2% arrives, CDS 2.5%, the PAN 2.0% and the Liberal Initiative 1.1%.

The study of Eurosondage It was carried out between Monday and Thursday through 1,020 telephone interviews validated for fixed and mobile lines and has a maximum error of 3.07% for a degree of probability of 95%.

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