More than 40 blackberry traders will close doors during Avante


More than 40 merchants from the surroundings of Quinta da Atalaia, in the parish of Amora, Seixal, will close their stores during the Festa do Avante, as a “precaution” and to “mitigate the risk” of contagion by the new coronavirus.

Speaking to the Lusa agency, Maria Carvalho, head of the kitchen of the Rota dos Petiscos Terra e Mar Restaurant, an establishment that started the “movement”, said today that she appealed to the “good sense of merchants to close doors”, among 04 and 06 September, days in which the 44th edition of the Festa do Avante is celebrated.

“I prefer to close three days, even with sacrifice, than close three weeks,” said María Carvalho, adding that “the movement of people during ‘Avante!’ it involves the entire parish of Amora, and not only Quinta da Atalaia ”, where the annual event organized by the PCP takes place.

As a precaution and to “mitigate the risk” of contagion with the new coronavirus, María Carvalho said that there are already more than 40 merchants who are going to close their establishments, including real estate agencies, car workshops, hairdressers, gyms, restaurants and cakes.

“This decision does not have a political party connotation. I have nothing against the Festa do Avante,” said the cook, who, together with her children, husband and daughter-in-law, runs the Rota dos Petiscos Terra e Mar restaurant, and who opted for “safeguard the family”.

Maria Carvalho also said that there are also “several neighbors” from Amora, in the municipality of Seixal, in the Setúbal district, who are considering leaving home during the days of the Festa do Avante! for not wanting to “take risks to public health.”

Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the 44th edition of the Festa do Avante, which takes place from September 4 to 6, this year has a third of the capacity (33 thousand people).

The covid-19 pandemic has already claimed at least 843,000 deaths and infected more than 25 million people in 196 countries and territories, according to a report by the French agency AFP.

In Portugal, 1,819 people died of the 57,768 confirmed as infected, according to the latest bulletin from the Directorate General of Health.
