More than 13,000 babies have not been vaccinated in Portugal. Measles may return


The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control fears the resurgence of a measles outbreak in the European Union.

The warning comes as a result of an abrupt drop in visits to the health center to administer the VASPR vaccine (administered at 12 months and five years), as a consequence of fears associated with the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to
, between March 15 and April 15, 13,277 babies were vaccinated in Portugal and the country already has almost as many cases of measles as those diagnosed throughout 2019.


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According to the latest report from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, published on April 18, there are more than 1,500 cases of measles in the first months of this year.

Bulgaria, which already has two deaths, and Romania are the most affected countries, with 793 and 233 cases, respectively. Spain has 67 cases, Italy has 86 and France 161.

