In just 1 month less 13,277 babies were vaccinated in Portugal. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control warns of the risk of outbreaks in Europe.

According to Newspaper, between March 15 and April 15 13,277 babies were vaccinated in Portugal. This decrease is related to the Covid-19 pandemic and the fear of contracting the new coronavirus trips to health centers for vaccination.

At the Covid-19 press conference today, April 21, António Lacerda Sales recalled that “we cannot let fear win” and that “vaccination of children is crucial“DGS had already spoken about this fear alarm that vaccination up to 12 months is a priority and It should not be delayed.

The last report of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, published on April 18, tells us that in Europe there have been more than 1,500 measles cases in the first months of this year. In Portugal, according to the mentioned newspaper, 7 measles cases were identified in the first two months of 2020. A number that causes concern given that, in the whole year of 2019, only 10 cases of the same disease were counted.

António Lacerda Sales also pointed out that “Portugal has managed, over the years, to achieve high vaccination coverage rates“And that, despite the delicate moment,”parents should not postpone their children’s immunizations “. The Secretary of State guaranteed that “the NHS is prepared to respond” and that vaccination is important so that our country does not face “an outbreak of other preventable infectious diseases with potentially serious consequences “. “This is a moment of responsibility and not a step backwards in our collective achievements,” he concluded.

“For the first time, the number of people recovered is greater than the number of deaths”