Minister says schools have “55 long trial days” ahead of them


“NORTHIs At the beginning of the second period of classes we know that we have 55 long days of tests throughout the national territory. We know the schools are ready and I come here to pay a great tribute“said the minister.

Tiago Brandão Rodrigues, who spoke on the sidelines of a visit to the Dr. Costa Matos Basic School in Vila Nova de Gaia, also recalled that the first period was “complex” and a time of “enormous ordeal for the entire Portuguese society.”

In the first period, the response from the school and, in particular, from the public school was very positive, we managed to keep the schools open“, He said, recalling that the epidemiological situation in the country” is not the same in all municipalities. “

Asked by journalists about the closure of some schools and school groups, the minister stated that “it is up to the health authorities to identify whether at any given time it is important, relevant and crucial to close a school”, as it happens “from the first day of the first period”. .

It corresponds to the health authorities, together with the educational authorities and within the framework of protection civil society, make decisions so that all the needs that exist to reach a class, teaching group are made in the smallest possible space“, he said.

Tiago Brandão Rodrigues also argued that the closure of the school equipment must take into account “the least number of students and the shortest possible time” so that it can return to “normal operation”.

Portugal accounts for at least 7,118 deaths associated with COVID-19-19 in 427,254 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest DirectionGeneral Health (DGS).

The state of emergency promulgated on 9 November fight pandemic it was renewed until 7 janeiro, with a curfew between 11 pm and 5 am in the municipalities of the continent with the greatest contagion.

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