Minister of Higher Education, Manuel Heitor, infected with covid-19


The Minister of Higher Education, Manuel Heitor, is infected with covid-19.

This Sunday afternoon the first case of contagion by covid-19 among members of the Government was detected.

The minister in question is Manuel Heitor, the government responsible for higher education and science.

In a note issued early Monday morning, the government says that the minister “does not show symptoms and is being held at home.”

According to information provided by Jornal de Notícias, the Minister of Higher Education held a meeting with the European Commissioner for Innovation, Maryia Gabriel, who this Saturday confirmed to be infected with covid-19.

Some of the government officials that make up the Council of Ministers will have already been tested and the rest of the elements with a presence in this body will be tested this Monday.

Also according to the government note, “all members of the Government who participated in the meeting of the Council of Ministers last Thursday are being evaluated, even those who have not had close contact with Minister Manuel Heitor.

The governors met personally in São Bento last Thursday, for the approval of the 2021 State Budget bill. Manuel Heitor was naturally one of the ministers present at the meeting.

This Sunday, the Council of Ministers met again, but in a virtual and remote meeting.

Besides the prime minister, and Manuel Heitor, 18 ministers are also members of the government.

The results of the tests will be known until the early hours of Monday and then they will be announced, said the Executive.

Manuel Heitor is 62 years old, he is a full professor at the Higher Technical Institute of Lisbon and has a doctorate from Imperial College London in Mechanical Engineering. He has been Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education since 2015, after having passed from the first to the second government of António Costa.
