Minister confirms start on the 27th. Priority to health professionals from 5 hospitals – Executive Digest


The Minister of Health, Marta Temido, confirmed this Monday that the vaccination plan against covid-19 in Portugal will begin on December 27, next Sunday, and that priority will be given to health professionals from five hospitals in Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra.

“On the 27th we are prepared to start, as we had planned, the administration of vaccines,” began by stating Marta Temido. “All the technical means have been working and in coordination,” he guaranteed. “We selected for this first moment of vaccination health professionals directly involved in the administration of patient care,” that is, from “five hospitals of the National Health Service (SNS),” he added.

Thus, in the first phase, the health professionals at the forefront in the fight against the pandemic who will be immunized belong to the following hospitals: “Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João, Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Cetro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte and Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central ”.

The minister justified this priority with “the NHS hospital reference at the end of the line: the institutions that we have to preserve in the capacity to respond to the Portuguese and support other health units.” The Ministry of Health is already sending messages (SMS) to health professionals to know the availability to be immunized, however, it is a process that has not yet been completed.

According to the official, “massive responses” are being received. “We know that there are institutions with a very significant number of responses, which makes us wait for the adherence of health professionals. When we select this group, it is because we want to protect those who protect us, ”he explains.

After this first moment, there will be an “extension of vaccination to other SNS units and residential structures for institutionalized people,” he added, noting that the January calendar is still improving.

This Monday morning the team of the Vaccination Plan against covid-19 met. Also according to the Minister of Health, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) should issue “today its opinion [favorável] about the Pfizer vaccine ”and BioNTech, information that was confirmed moments later by the EMA itself.

Marta Temido also recalled that the delivery of the first batches of vaccines, after the approval of the EMA, is scheduled for December 26, that is, this Saturday the first 9500 doses should arrive. “A few hours after the arrival of the vaccines in Portugal, we will begin to vaccinate,” he said.

In addition, the situation room – a place that covers several sectors of coordination of the Vaccination Plan against covid-19 – began to be used this Monday in the Ministry of Health to share data and disseminate recommendations.

Finally, regarding the new variant of the coronavirus identified in the United Kingdom, the official assures that “there will be no more risk of lethality, but more capacity to multiply.” “The broadcast makes it more worrying, but we are following it,” he said.

Marta Temido also recalled that no case has yet been identified in the country and that Portugal has already imposed restrictions on flights from the United Kingdom, with the imposition of covid-19 tests on the Portuguese who return to the country.
