Minister Ana Mendes Godinho in isolation after contact with a positive case – O Jornal Económico


The Minister of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security is in prophylactic isolation after having had contact with a positive case of Covid-19. In the news advanced by the “Correio da Manhã”, this Tuesday, it is said that this contact was with the daughter herself who tested positive for Covid-19.

According to the note from the Ministry, cited by “TSF”, although Ana Mendes Godinho tested negative, the minister will remain in isolation until January 1 “in compliance with the instructions of the Health Authority.”

Ana Mendes Godinho participated, on Monday, in a parliamentary commission, through videoconference.

On the occasion, he said that the State has already disbursed 450 million euros in extraordinary support to social institutions since the beginning of the pandemic, where 11,270 workers have also been placed under the measure to support the placement of human resources.

The Prime Minister, António Costa, is also in prophylactic isolation, after having contacted the French president, who is sick with Covid-19.
