Miguel Braga: «There is a spring in the FC Porto bench that forces them to triple times» – Sporting


Miguel Braga showed himself this Monday, in the X-Ray Sporting program, very critical in relation to the behavior of the FC Porto press officer, in the episode that ended up marking the post-classic and that involved, not only the man who sits next to the coach at the press conferences, but also Sérgio Conceição and a journalist from the website ‘Zerozero.pt’.

“I am confused by what happened in the press room and afterwards. There is a journalist who asks the Sporting coach a question, pointing out a verifiable fact that everyone who puts the game behind can see, and it is, in the end, a spring that exists on the FC Porto bench, which forces them to jump three times as many times as Sporting’s bench ”, ironizes the head of communication for the Alvalade club, before lining up a series of criticisms.” There was a journalist I had the job of counting how many times one bench jumped and another because, in recent weeks, there has been a lot of talk that the behavior of benches is often a way of putting pressure on the referees. He did his job, it is in the place where the press is supposed to be asking questions and what happened was deplorable. It confuses me that in a free country, in a democratic country, there is this type of ‘bullying’ to journalists who ask questions that someone finds uncomfortable. It is perfectly surreal ”, says Miguel Braga, before presenting what is considered“ one of the pillars of democracy ”.

“It is the freedom of the press, it is the freedom of journalists to ask questions and not be subjected to insults or attempted attacks. Everyone saw what happened – and then they didn’t see what happened, because the cameras weren’t there. How did A press officer insults a journalist in this way? It is that he not only insulted him in the press room, but he also insulted his car, which seems really surreal to me “, assumes officer Leo, attacking blaming not only to FC Porto.

Sérgio Conceição wanted more compensation time: «So we want football to be fluid ...»

Sérgio Conceição wanted more compensation time: «So we want football to be fluid …»

“There are certain gentlemen who are convinced that there is a coutada within the country and within the rule of law. And it does not exist. It puzzles me that some entities that manage our football do not say a word about this case. It could be the first time, but it isn’t. Since 2009, at least, there have been cases of attempted aggression and insults, ”says Miguel Braga, after searching Google and before resorting to João Pinheiro’s report, in the semi-final of the League Cup, to point out the misconduct , in that match, the Oporto press officer.

This was the main criticism, in relation to the meeting last Saturday, at the Estádio do Dragão, by Miguel Braga, who chose to devalue the statements of Sérgio Oliveira and the Behavior of Francisco Conceição, who refused to say hello and allegedly insulted Pedro Porro at the end of the meeting.

“Regarding Sérgio Oliveira, Rúben Amorim has already said everything and, given his answer, nothing more needs to be said. The same from Francisco Conceição. What Pedro Porro said convinces me, but, looking at the images and taking into account Account what Porro said, it is easy to see where the reason is “, reported Miguel Braga, before showing himself in favor of eventual arrival of foreign referees to whistle matches of the Portuguese League and clap centralization of television rights there by 2027/28.

“In addition to Soares Dias, there is a generation of referees who have quality. If it is an exchange company, I do not see where the certificate of incompetence that APAF talks about is. It can even be something very interesting and, if to improve the refereeing in Portugal , I would say … everything Ok, wonderful ”, says the verdiblanco official, about the adoption of foreign arbitrators, before concluding with the centralization of television rights.

“Once the current contract is finalized and while the interests of the club are defended, it will be a good measure for Portuguese football. Portugal, if not the only one, is one of the few countries in Europe that still does so. Not having centralized rights The idea is to make everyone more competitive and, if so, I do not see any harm. On the contrary, “concludes Miguel Braga.
