Miguel Braga: «Is this the legacy that Sérgio Conceição wants to leave?» – Sporty


Worried about the new expulsion in Portimão

Miguel Braga, Sporting’s communication manager, did not forgive Sérgio Conceição for the episode recorded last Saturday in Portimão, where the FC Porto coach almost came to blows with Paulo Sérgio, Portimonense coach.

“I had never seen him in Portugal, and I don’t even remember seeing him in the derbies in South America. Seeing men made to be separated by players was a deplorable image,” he said on the ‘X-RAY’ program, broadcast on Sporting TV, where He recalled the disciplinary past of the former Portuguese international: “It is the 18th expulsion of Sérgio Conceição and the eighth as coach of FC Porto. Is this the legacy that Sérgio Conceição wants to leave? Is it the fault of others? Is there no patron here? I have curious to see what will happen. ” Miguel Braga also spoke about the fact that Sporting managed to place three players in the main team, and considers that it was fair. “For Neto it is an award. I was hoping that Fernando Santos would come to Sporting to find a replacement for Pepe. Nuno Santos is a prodigy, and Palhinha is in top form,” he defended.

The debut of Dário Essugo, at the age of 16, in the main squad was another topic discussed. “He only signed a professional contract last week, and he debuted in the main team at 16 years and a week. Sometimes we are afraid to show these players at higher levels until they have a professional contract for the sharks,” added Miguel. Braga, who also highlighted the return to the training project started by Frederico Varandas in 2018: “The president believed that Rúben Amorim was the right person and he is revealing that he had a reason. Others came to drink Alcochete to make their Academy, I think. there is nothing wrong with that. ”

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