Microsoft’s system to help treat patients with COVID-19


Together, it facilitates the fight against the pandemic. Therefore, Microsoft launched a new system, called the Plasma Bot, which aims to recruit people recovered from COVID-19, to help treat those who are still infected with the disease.

This solution arises in the sense of research that indicates that the antibodies in the blood of patients who have already recovered can become an effective treatment for those who, unfortunately, are still active cases of coronavirus.

Microsoft Launches System to Try to Treat Patients with COVID-19

The Redmond company is in the launch phase of an automatic detection tool that aims to help people with COVID-19. Called Plasma Bot, the system checks whether people are qualified to donate plasma, upon which a possible effective treatment will be developed for patients infected with the disease.

The announcement of this initiative was published on the Microsoft blog and will be a project carried out in collaboration with the group called CoVig-19 Plasma Alliance.

When someone is infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the immune system will produce antibodies as a way to fight it. So, as soon as the person recovers, those same antibodies remain in their blood.

Based on what you can read in the Microsoft post:

The sooner COVID-19 patients who donate convalescent plasma recover, the sooner the Alliance can begin to develop a potential treatment and begin clinical trials. These studies will determine if this treatment can treat patients at risk of serious complications with COVID-19.

Based on research already done, plasma administration will help shorten the recovery time of infected patients.


This model of possible plasma treatment is also used in other diseases, such as SARS, measles, and chicken pox. However, more experiments, studies and trials are still needed to ensure, with greater certainty, that it is effective in the treatment of COVID-19.

Plasma Bot will be a possible solution to combat the pandemic

Therefore, the project aims to collect several plasma donations. The antibodies will then concentrate in the liquid state that the researchers will use to create a treatment for the virus. But, as expected, this possible weapon to combat COVID-19 has not yet undergone several clinical trials before being approved.


In summary, Microsoft will make CoVig Plasma Bot available on research, social and web platforms. The system asks the person various questions, such as medications they take, allergies, medical conditions, to determine whether or not they can donate plasma.

If the person is eligible, they will receive information on where to donate, which, according to the Alliance, will take approximately one hour. In an initial phase, the project will begin recruiting potential candidates in the United States, but the goal is for the initiative to spread to Europe.

In addition to Microsoft and other companies, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are also part of the project.
