Microsoft detects cyberattacks from Russia, China and Iran targeting the US election campaign.


The technology giant Microsoft said Thursday that in recent weeks it has detected and prevented cyberattacks by Russia and China against people and organizations linked to the November 3 presidential elections in the United States.

Those responsible for the attacks targeted the election campaign teams of Republican President Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden, the company said.

Microsoft claims to have detected 200 attacks by Russian hacker groups against campaign teams and political advisers.

China’s failed attempts were directly against political figures like Biden and a person “previously associated” with the Trump administration, Microsoft noted.

“In recent weeks, Microsoft has detected cyberattacks targeting individuals and organizations involved in the upcoming presidential elections. [dos EUA], including unsuccessful attacks against individuals associated with the Trump and Biden campaigns, “reads the note, signed by Tom Burt, vice president of security and customer trust, on the company’s blog.

The Microsoft official says these attacks show that the activities of foreign groups have escalated to lead to the US elections, “as predicted” by the US authorities.
