Mexican women operated without consent in US immigration detention center.


At least two Mexican women have undergone gynecological surgery without their consent at an immigrant detention center in Georgia, the United States, the Mexican Foreign Ministry said.

According to the ministry, the Mexican consulate in Atlanta identified the cases of the two women thanks to investigations carried out after the disclosure by the non-governmental organization (NGO) Project South in September of these forced sterilization operations.

The case of one of the identified Mexican women reveals “a surgical intervention,” but not a hysterectomy, the ministry explained, without her consent and postoperative care.

“Given the seriousness of the events reported, the Consulate General requested the opinion of a specialist who, after a thorough examination, denounced irregularities or anomalies in the medical process,” says the ministry report.

The consulate, the ministry continues, is also analyzing the case of another Mexican woman, already repatriated, who “would have undergone gynecological surgery without her full consent, since she did not receive an explanation of her medical diagnosis in Spanish, nor of the nature of the medical operations that would follow “.

The Mexican government announced in late September that it had launched an investigation into the cases of six Mexican women who were allegedly subjected to forced sterilizations at a migrant detention center in Irwin County, Georgia.

According to Project South, based in Atlanta, Georgia, at least 17 women have been sterilized, in some cases by total hysterectomy, without their consent or without obtaining the necessary information.

These complaints, based mainly on the testimony of a nurse who worked in the Irwin detention center, led to the request for a federal investigation at the initiative of the Democrat-elect in the House of Representatives Pramila Jayapal.
