Members of Trump’s team suggest martial law to prevent Biden from taking office: Observer


Several Republican senators had already raised the hypothesis, but according to the New York Times, the matter was even addressed during a meeting at the White House. Among those present was Sidney Powell, the former North Carolina prosecutor who left the campaign to dedicate himself exclusively to contesting the elections. [e um dos argumentos usados foi a contratação de máquinas de votação à empresa Dominion, com software criado pela Venezuela de Hugo Chávez alegando que tinha sido desenhado para criar resultados fraudulentos].

During the meeting on Friday, Trump questioned those present about the hypothesis raised by Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, a former national security adviser (and to whom Trump recently granted a pardon) on the Newsmax channel this Thursday. According to Flynn, Trump should declare martial law, put soldiers on the streets and force a “replay” of the elections.

According to reports from those present at the meeting, the suggestion would have upset the advisers, with the meeting evolving into a more open exchange of arguments – and with some shouting in the mix – but again reflects the idea that Trump is not around yet. convinced of the defeat obtained at the polls.

After the US media reported what happened at Friday’s meeting at the White House, Trump has already reacted, as usual, through Twitter, stating that it is “fake news.”

The last time the federal government imposed martial law was in 1941, in Hawaii, after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
