Meetings of more than 10 people and sale of alcohol are prohibited after 8:00 p.m.


The Prime Minister, António Costa, has just announced the contingency measures that will be implemented as of September 15.

Meetings will be limited to ten people.

Commercial establishments, with the exception of pastry shops, cafeterias, hairdressers, gyms, should only open after ten o’clock in the morning to guarantee different schedules and circulation.

The mayors of the city are empowered to limit the closure of establishments between 20 and 23 hours, depending on the reality of each municipality.

In the restoration of shopping centers there cannot be more than 4 people per group to avoid large concentrations of people in these food spaces.

In restaurants there can also be groups of more than ten people, but there is no change in schedules.

The sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in service stations and, after 8:00 p.m., in all establishments, except the drinks that accompany meals.

The consumption of alcoholic beverages on public roads is still prohibited so that informal gathering situations do not multiply.

The football championship will continue to be played without an audience in the stands.

“All of us who have been to sports venues know that our behavior in the cinema, in the theater or in a musical show is very different from what we have in a sports show. This forces us to impose restrictions on the existence of the public in football stadiums and other sports venues ”, justified António Costa.

The return to classes will be face-to-face, between September 14 and 17, with the adaptation of the operation of educational establishments to the new health reality; contingency plans in all schools; distribution of personal protective equipment; Reference point for action in case of suspicion, positive or outbreaks.

A specific rule was created for restaurants, cafes, pastry shops and the like that are less than 300 meters from any educational establishment that does not allow groups of more than four people.

“A great contagion factor does not develop in the school, but in the school-home route. If the school is careful to uphold the rules, these rules must be followed abroad. Events such as school leaving, large gatherings in restaurants and cafeterias should be avoided at all costs, ”stressed the Prime Minister.

District emergency brigades were created for households – involving doctors, nurses and diagnostic technicians – and stabilizing outbreaks in those spaces. The goal is to prevent cases from becoming known when there are already dozens of people infected.

(in update)
