McConnell is “a bad-looking political charlatan”


TOA few days after his acquittal to incite an insurrection by the US Senate, and after several days of silence, the former president of the United States made himself heard through a statement, in which he launched a violent attack against the leader of the Republican minority in the upper house of Congress, Mitch McConnell.

“Mitch is an evil, stern and surly political charlatan, and if the Republican senators side with him, they will not win again,” predicted the former Republican leader, referring to who is, at this moment, the most important. person in the bankruptcy.

In a lengthy text, which can be seen below, Trump says that “the Republican Party can never again be respected or strong with political ‘leaders’ like Senator Mitch McConnell at the helm.”

The former president, the only one in the history of the United States to be the target of two impeachments, also says that the ‘Great Old Party’ (GOP) lost a majority in the Senate due to “a lack of political knowledge, wisdom, talent and personality “of McConnell, who” begged “him for support in his own candidacy for Senate, which, Trump says, would have otherwise lost.

This statement comes, remember, after the most bipartisan vote ever in an impeachment against a president, with the minority leader voting for Trump’s acquittal, but in the next minute, accusing him of being “morally responsible” for the attack the Capitol, even referring to “lies” when talking about allegations of electoral fraud.

Their relationship, however, has weakened since the presidential election, after McConnell recognized Joe Biden as the winner, something that, in the president’s eyes, was put off.

Also read: Republican who voted against Trump rejected by the family. “Disgusted”

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