Mayors of Felgueiras, Lousada and Paços de Ferreira against new “castrating” measures of the economy


Faced with the possibility of adopting more restrictive measures, the mayors of Felgueiras, Lousada and Paços de Ferreira sent this Wednesday a letter to the Prime Minister, António Costa, in which they demonstrate “total disagreement in the approval and, consequently, implementation in these territories of even more restrictive measures against the individual rights and freedoms of the populations and castrators of economic activity. ”They also affirm that the number of cases in these three municipalities, although high, has been decreasing.

These are three of the 28 municipalities with more than 960 new cases of covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants, in 14 days, which are expected to have stricter measures to contain the pandemic. The Minister of Health, Marta Temido, admitted, this Wednesday, that “more incisive measures” will be applied, but did not anticipate any of those that should be announced after the next Council of Ministers.

In a joint statement, these three municipalities, the first to have stricter measures due to the high incidence of cases, point out that “all the decisions and guidelines issued by the Central Power” have been followed and implemented in these territories, with their own progress. municipalities with “. a set of complementary measures to control and combat the spread of this disease, as well as to mitigate its consequences, at an economic and social level.”

“Although alarming values ​​have been reached in these municipalities in terms of positive cases of covid-19, they have presented, in the last week, frankly encouraging results regarding the reduction of new cases”, defend the mayors of Felgueiras, Nuno Fonseca by Lousada. , Pedro Machado and Paços de Ferreira, Humberto Brito.

According to the latest data released by the General Directorate of Health, these are the municipalities in the country with the highest cumulative incidence of cases in 14 days (from October 28 to November 10). Paços de Ferreira is the region with the highest risk of contagion in the country, with 3,698 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Lousada with 3,362 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Below but still with an index above a thousand cases is Felgueiras, with 1719 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants.
