Mayor of Peñafiel ″ very concerned ″ about the situation at the hospital


The mayor of Peñafiel, Antonino Sousa, confessed “very concerned” the “serious difficulties” that occur in the city hospital due to the lack of professionals, asking the Government to reinforce the workforce.

According to the mayor, the Padre Américo hospital, which is the reference for a population of half a million inhabitants in 12 regions of Tâmega and Sousa, faces an “exceptional situation” caused by the lack of professionals due to covid-19. “An exceptional circumstance requires exceptional measures,” said Antonino Sousa, speaking with Lusa.

A high number of professionals from that hospital unit, said the mayor of that municipality in the Porto district, is in isolation for having been infected by the new coronavirus or for having had some contact with people diagnosed with the disease.

This circumstance causes a “very difficult” situation in the hospital, damaging the service to the population, “both in terms of covid-19 and other pathologies,” he reinforced.

On Tuesday, the administration of the Centro Hospitalar do Tâmega e Sousa, in Penafiel, reported that there were collaborators, from various professional groups, infected with the new coronavirus, indicating, however, that the situation did not compromise the operation of the hospital.

“As in all hospitals, there are infected professionals, from all professional groups. Until now, the operation of the hospital is not at stake,” reads a clarification sent to Lusa.

However, a source heard that day by Lusa denounced a situation of “great difficulty” in the Penafiel hospital, even in the emergency room, where patients wait hours to be treated, due to lack of professionals.

“The situation is chaotic, with the corridors full of patients,” he said.

In addition to the request for the reinforcement of professionals, Antonino Sousa defended today that the Government, in the current circumstances, must articulate the response with the social and private sectors that operate in the region, “so that patients are properly treated and monitored.”

The president pointed out that the current situation and the size of the problem “go beyond” the response capacity of the administration of the Centro Hospitalar do Tâmega e Sousa, thus requiring “adequate action by the Government.”
