Maximum 6 people at the table and movement restrictions. Government prepares measures for Christmas – News


The conditions in which the Portuguese will be able to celebrate Christmas is one of the most talked about topics in recent weeks. Now, the news is emerging that the government is considering limiting the number of people gathered at the celebrations, a measure also adopted by other European countries such as Germany and Spain, in addition to maintaining some restrictions on movement, at least between risky municipalities. . extremely high (more than 960 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants), the “Correio da Manhã” advances.

Although there are no confirmations yet, It is speculated that the maximum number of people per table may refer to the measures in force in restaurants: up to six people, unless they belong to the same household. It is expected that there will be a decision by the António Costa executive as of Thursday, December 3, after the government meeting at Infarmed, where several specialists in public health will be present.

The measures that will be applied in the next state of emergency, which must be renewed between December 9 and 23, as well as the Christmas regulations, must be communicated to the country at the end of next week. After the meeting in Infarmed, the government must study the contours of the restrictions, and the Assembly of the Republic must pronounce this Friday, the 4th, since the following Tuesday is a national holiday.

At a time when Portugal is estimated to have already reached the peak of the second wave, these and other restrictive measures aim to further reduce COVID-19 contagion cases. According to various experts in public health, if the current scenario of measures is maintained, it is estimated that the daily average of new cases will fall to less than three thousand at Christmas time.
