Maternity in Coimbra: PS devastates the Government election and writes to the Minister of Health


The Socialist Party of Coimbra, led by Carlos Cidade, wrote a letter to the Minister of Health, in which he expresses his indignation because Marta Temido said in the Assembly of the Republic that the new maternity ward in Coimbra will be located in the University Hospitals from Coimbra.

Exma madam

Health Minister

Dra. Marta Temido

Our respectful greetings and cordial greetings.

The Socialist Party, a council structure in Coimbra upon hearing the public statements attributed to Vª Exª, in which he foreshadows the construction of a new Maternity Hospital in Coimbra on the perimeter of the Coimbra University Hospital (HUC), in a direct speech with the deputies of the PSD, our political opponents, without previously having given a word to the socialists, of whom you are governor. integra, we come to present our protest and suggest with all the political conviction to reconsider that position, based on the following terms:

1 – Vª Exª produced previous public statements in which it considered the possibility that the new maternity hospital be built in the perimeter of the General Hospital (Covões), not being subject to the position of the Board of Directors of the CHUC, a position that is manifestly partial, as we will demonstrate.

2 – As Vª Exª knows (reiterates), the city of Coimbra, through its official institutions (namely, the City Council and the Municipal Assembly of Coimbra), is expressly favorable to the construction of the Maternity Hospital in the perimeter of the Hospital General (Covões) (HG).

3 – The Political Council of Coimbra (PCC) of the Socialist Party is also expressly in favor of the construction of the Maternity Hospital on the perimeter of the General Hospital (Covões), as the Fifth Exª has already communicated at the time.

4 – Civil society and other forces of political parties have the same position as the Municipal Political Commission of Coimbra of the Socialist Party, which highlights the importance of the above, and the serious damage to the Socialist Party in Coimbra if the power central by Vª Exª The person in charge decides in a contradictory way to the interests of the institutions and citizens, and in particular the users.

5 – The Political Committee of the Socialist Party of the Municipality of Coimbra does not understand the position of Vª Exª (the expression expressed in the media being real), less understanding that he has not previously dialogued with the PCC of Coimbra of the Socialist Party, being the The CCP is the representative of the Socialist Party in the municipality, and of the Socialist Party that the Government of the Country has, as the communication is known, it is its communication to the deputies elected by the PSD constituency.

6 – Less is understood that, having been elected deputy for Coimbra and having counted on the effort, commitment and dedication of the militants and supporters of the Socialist Party in the city who contributed to her election (and even votes of praise for her governmental action) , disappointing them drastically and even provocatively.

7 – Not least, the position of the Mayor of Coimbra (and President of the Municipal Association of Portuguese Municipalities) was ignored by Vª Exª, who in multiple public interventions defended the imperative nature of the construction of the Maternity in the Geral perimeter (Covões), and who is (ra) in a difficult situation of credibility owed by the population and citizens of Coimbra, subject to verious attacks that in no way benefit Coimbra and the Socialist Party for years and successive years.

8 – Because we do not have a problem, and because technical issues are linked to political opinion, requesting your best attention, we will reiterate again our response (Clarifications, Comments and Opinion) to the “Descriptive report on the construction of the building Maternal-CHUC Fetal Department ”of the Administration of the CHUC, which we send as an annex, dissecting the different opinions of the institutions and organizations consulted.

9 – In a few words, and because the quality of health and the defense of life always comes first, we summarize our technical argumentation, based on the most recognized specialists in Gynecology, Obstetrics, Obstetric Imaging and Maternity Perinatalogy Dr. Daniel of Matos and Bissaya-Barreto:

“9.1 – The CHUC CA has always preferred a certain option, which will be to bring Maternity to the HUC, having“ ordered ”technical opinions in this regard. It is a monopolar and centralizing option.

9.2 – In the CHUC CA option:

9.2.1 – The Intensive Care Unit for Pregnant Women has been forgotten (existing in other European cities, the closest to Coimbra is Santiago de Compostela – 10 beds to serve all of Galicia). A unit with a forecast of 5 to 6 thousand births deserves an independent ICU.

9.2.2 – The large maternity wards with European history and relief are separated from the main central hospital and with the Obstetrics, Gynecology, Neonatalogy and Anesthesia Services (example: Maternidade Port-Royal and Hospital Cochin de Paris).

9.2.3 – The 138-bed unit appears to have fewer units than the current sum of obstetric A, obstetric B and gynecology services. Do you need a reduction forecast?

9.2.4 – Will the HUC heliport be accredited by the aeronautical authorities at the future location?

9.2.5 – The minimum duration foreseen for the conclusion of the project will be 4 years, which are never fulfilled. Will the current state hold the wait and what are the clinical costs and risks?

9.2.6 – In the technical reports presented that present higher costs for the location in the HG pole, was it taken into account that the HG has an Emergency, Operation and Intensive Care Unit of recent construction and one of the most functional in the country? Therefore, the hospital sectors that always involve higher costs are available and underutilized.

9.2.7 – Have the costs and speed of execution of the HG option been calculated? It seems that this possibility was soon ruled out.

9.2.8 – The Celas area already has a very high density of hospital beds compared to the available area and support infrastructures. Are we going to make the situation worse?

9.2.9 – Does the PDM contemplate the execution of the project? “

In conclusion, there are no technical or political reasons that imply the construction of the new HUC Maternity Hospital (except if they intend to destroy the Central General Hospital of Covões …), because only other reasons that have not been proven, nor are confessable, can lead to a totally irrational choice. .

For this reason, we ask you to consider and decide definitively the construction of the new Maternity Hospital of Coimbra in the perimeter of the Hospital General Central de Covões, and thus defend the safety and interest of the people, the credibility of the institutions and the success of governance socialist in the city. and in the field.

We renew our respectful greeting and cordial greetings,

Coimbra, November 8, 2020

By the Secretariat of the Municipal Political Commission of Coimbra of the Socialist Party

(Hernâni Caniço)

The president of the Municipal Political Committee of Coimbra of the Socialist Party

(Carlos Cidade) “
