Mass trampling in Germany kills people and causes several injuries


A man is suspected of running over several people this Tuesday in Germany in the city of Trier, killing at least four people. For now, the local press reports that there are at least 30 injured.

On Twitter, police said they had already arrested the man who will be responsible for this massive hit. The suspect is 51 years old and, according to one of his neighbors, who acknowledged the record to the German channel NTV, he was experiencing financial problems and with his father. However, it is not yet known what motivated the crime.

It all happened on Tuesday afternoon, in the historic center of the city, between the Basilica of Constantivo and Porta Nigra.

The local newspaper Trierischer Volksfreund cites the account of a witness who claims to have seen a dark gray Range Rover speeding through a pedestrian and commercial area and, when passing by, threw people into the air several hundred meters. The suspect then drove the car to an adjacent street, where he was arrested by police.

The mayor, Wolfram Leibe, told the media that what happened was a “horror” and also confirmed that one of the fatalities was a minor. The regional leader of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer, the state where it all happened, said that “people were taken from their lives in a second, killed by this act of madness, including a small child.”

The German Chancellor also reacted on Twitter to the news: “What happened in Trier is shocking. Our hearts go out to the families of the victims, the many injured and all those who are on duty to care for those affected,” Angela Merkel wrote. .

In the same social network, meanwhile, the video of the moment of the suspect’s arrest was circulating.

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