Marta Temido is delighted to praise INSA’s work in the fight against Covid


A This Friday, the Minister of Health was moved at the anniversary ceremony of the Ricardo Jorge National Institute (BUT) in Lisbon, praising the work of fighting COVID-19-19, starring for the past nine months.

In the closing speech of the commemorative day of this institution, the governor could not contain her tears while praising the work done by BUT.

“OR BUT is present, reliable, competent, respected at all times. Never”, said Marta Temido, adding: “Daily, in our emails and groups of WhatsApp; fortnightly, in our technical meetings with parties; so often in our media, in our homes and with our general public, through studies, Projects, alliances, collaborations, research and various methodologies that have contributed a lot to the response to this pandemic In our country”.

The head of the health portfolio also highlighted the “nuclear” role of the BUT in the “coordination of the network of laboratories for the COVID-19-19 “, through which” support systems for the registration of information, evaluation of the capacity to carry out tests and a strategic reserve of material and reagents for laboratory diagnosis were created ” infection caused by the new coronavirus.

considering the pandemic of COVID-19-19 “The challenge of our lives” and whose response “forced unprecedented sacrifices”, Marta Temido reiterated the gratitude of the Ministry of Health for BUT for “solidarity” and for “fighting disinformation“and highlighted the institution as” a jewel in the crown of the National Health Service (SNS) and the Portuguese scientific system.

On the other hand, the minister did not ignore the advice of the president of the council. director do BUT, Fernando de Almeida – who, minutes before, had warned of the “challenge of renewal, reform repositioning in Portuguese society “and stated that a new organization was” essential “single -, ensuring that the Ministry of Health will not stop promoting its development.

“The roadmap for the reform of the BUT and that is the great challenge that awaits us out there. We want and expect a BUT even more competitive and that maintains the level of quality to which the Ministry of Health and the country have become accustomed. I am confident that the future holds promising opportunities for success, ”he predicted.

Portugal accounts for at least 5,373 deaths associated with COVID-19-19 out of 340,287 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest DirectionGeneral Health (DGS).

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