Marques Mendes warns that the “facilities” at Easter can put at risk the mistrust that “it is going well” – Jornal Economico


The commentator Luís Marques Mendes highlighted, this Sunday, the good results that the country has obtained in terms of lack of definition, but warned that there are three factors that can endanger the good performance of Portugal, among them the “easy” at Easter . .

After being asked about what could shake the “positive trend, improvement, reduction” of cases, pointed out by Marques Mendes, the Social Democrat began referring to “easy, especially at Easter if people relax, we can facilitate obviously I have a relapse ”. “So be careful,” he asked.

Secondly, the highly contagious variants that exist, the British, the South African and the Brazilian, but especially the British one ”, Marques Mendes underlined, adding“ the bad situation in Europe ”, but also in Brazil. “Europe is in bad shape. We are not an island, we can be contaminated and out of Europe. The opening of flights to Brazil can be very good for TAP, without a doubt, but it can be a disaster for Portugal because we can import the Brazilian variant, which is highly contagious, ”he warned.

During his space for comments in the SIC, Marques Mendes highlighted that “the confinement at the end of these two weeks is going well” and justified himself by presenting graphs that indicate that “the three indicators of infected, hospitalized, ICU [Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos], they are going down ”. When comparing at the level of the European Union (EU), the number of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, the commentator recalled that “we were already the worst [país] for so long, at this moment we are the best ”. The EU average of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants is 434, while the Portuguese is 70.
