Marques Mendes suggests Carlos Moedas for Lisbon and Paulo Rangel for Porto – Politics


In his usual space for comments in the SIC, Luís Marques Mendes left two suggestions to top the PSD lists in the local elections this year.

The former president of the Social Democrats advanced the names of Carlos Moedas for the Lisbon municipality and Paulo Rangel for the Porto Chamber.

Marques Mendes considers that the PSD has a “great opportunity” to recover some municipalities, recalling that the “orange” party currently has only 98 cameras against 160 of the PS. But, he stresses, for this to happen “PSD needs to launch strong candidates, especially for Lisbon and Porto “. And continued, Carlos Moedas, in Lisbon, and Paulo Rangel, in Porto, “would be two strong and mobilizing candidates”. But, he added, “I have no idea if they want to.”Still on national politics, the commentator sees an eventual political crisis later in the year as “possible” but “unlikely.” This is due, he argues, if the PCP “fails the city councils” it may fear being sanctioned in early elections, opening a political crisis and if the municipal elections “go well” for the communists “they gain room for maneuver” in the discussion of Budgets. .

Regarding the presidential elections of January 24, Marques Mendes considers that the big question is whether Ana Gomes is second, ahead of André Ventura. And, he adds, the Chega leader has had “help” from the left and the right.

“The left and the right are campaigning for him. As you saw this week in the decision to replace Ventura as deputy. A decision that is a legal and political disaster, “he concluded..
