Marques Mendes says that the new state of emergency is “positive” but it will have to be “soft” – Jornal Económico


Former Social Democratic leader and political commentator Luís Marques Mendes considers that enacting a new State of Emergency in the country is “positive”, but it will have to be “soft” so as not to damage the economy. Luís Marques Mendes has also said that the measures announced by the Government this Saturday are “prudent and balanced”, but “late” and “may be insufficient” to stop the evolution of the pandemic.

“I think a state of emergency will be declared. It is good that it is enacted, but not a state of emergency like what happened in March and April. It has to be a fluid State of Emergency “, said Luís Marques Mendes, in his usual comment space on the SIC.

According to Luís Marques Mendes, the country needs “a soft state of emergency” that allows “legal coverage” to various restrictive measures, due to the incidence of new cases, which the Government now takes to prevent the spread of Covid-19 because some of them are of “doubtful legality”. “It is preferable to act for insurance and the State of Emergency allows it,” he explained.

He also said that the measure is positive so that night curfews can be decreed, between 11 at night and 6 in the morning, to end youth and private parties. This is because, according to the political commentator, these parties have proven to be “a great source of contagion.”

Luís Marques Mendes also said that “the country cannot go every 15 days to repeat the state of emergency” and, quoting the constitutionalist Vital Moreira, “it is easy to resolve the matter with a surgical reform of the law on public health surveillance, in the sense of creating what is called a State of Emergency or health crisis to avoid always resorting to the State of Emergency ”.

“I hope that the parties understand each other to make this change to the law because this pandemic will last for months,” he said.

Regarding the package of measures approved this Saturday in the extraordinary Council of Ministers, Luís Marques Mendes considers that “they are going in the right direction” and are “prudent and balanced”. However, it also says that measures such as the creation of risk maps, based on the identification of 240 new cases of Covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, are “late and may be insufficient.”

Luís Marques Mendes also defended that “the Government will have to create compensatory economic and financial measures for some particularly affected sectors”, such as restaurants, accommodation, merchants and marketers, because “obviously some of these measures are very necessary but [esses setores] they have to be compensated ”.
