Marques Mendes does not understand the management of the measures for the holidays or freedom at Christmas – O Jornal Economico


Marques Mendes says he understands the harshness of the restrictive measures announced for the new year, but argues that the political management of expectations regarding the holiday season should have been better. In his weekly comments space on the SIC, the former Social Democratic leader addressed the management of the pandemic at the end of 2020 and was hopeful with the arrival of the vaccine.

Recalling that governance “in times of a pandemic is always a very difficult task,” Marques Mendes highlighted the Government’s good option in not defining how many people may join the Christmas gatherings, especially because they would be “guidelines that it cannot control nor inspect. ”.

Even so, there is a certain perplexity from the commentator regarding freedom of movement during the days closest to Christmas, describing the measure as “contradictory, risky and revealing fear.”

Regarding the new year, Marques Mendes sees the measures as “to compensate for the freedom, which I think is excessive, Christmas,” arguing that the decision “is not dictated by health or the economy”, but by political concerns about popularity of the executive. .

In addition, the former ‘orange’ leader argues that the process should have been carried out the other way around, that is, anticipating a probably more restrictive New Year’s Eve and, if the evolution of the pandemic situation were favorable, a relaxation of measures at a later time.

Emphasizing that this setback causes “restaurants and hotels to have interruptions and losses with unmarked ones”, Marques Mendes says he understands the harshness of the measures at a time when the vaccine is so close, but not its management.
