Marques Mendes anticipates answers to doubts about vaccination plan – Economy


“In a few days the authorities will approve the Vaccination Plan in Portugal and this is the factor of great hope in the fight against covid-19,” Luís Marques Mendes commented this afternoon, in his usual notes in the SIC.

The political analyst anticipated the answers to the main doubts facing the Portuguese:

How many vaccines are we going to have? In principle 6:

– BioNTech / Pfizer

– Astrazeneca / University of Oxford

– modern

– Johnson & Johnson- Janssen

– Sanofi-GSK

– Curevac

How many are already being evaluated by the EMA? 3:

– BioNTech / Pfizer

– Astrazeneca / University of Oxford

– modern

– Different in type, price and storage conditions but all with high efficiency.

– In contrast, the flu vaccine has an efficacy of between 40% and 45%.

When will they be approved by the EMA?

– The first vaccines can be approved as of next December.

When will they start arriving in Portugal?

– The first doses will arrive from next January.

– The Pfizer calendar has a gradual delivery between January and September 2021.

– Moderna’s calendar is delivered between February and the end of 2021.

– There is no delivery schedule for other vaccines.

Is vaccination free?

– Yes, vaccination is universal and free for all Portuguese.

– Vaccination is not compulsory but there will be an awareness campaign.

How many doses should each person take?

– Regarding the 3 vaccines that are already being evaluated by EMA (Pfizer, Astrazeneca and Moderna), there are 2 doses per person.

– Taken at 3-4 week intervals between the 1st and 2nd dose.

– Johnson & Johnson-Janssen (later) vaccine will be given as a single dose.

What are the first social and professional groups to get vaccinated?

– Old people

– Household residents

– Home professionals

– Healthcare professionals

– Security forces

– Civil protection

How many doses will Portugal receive? In total, about 22 million doses, administered in stages:

– 4.5 million from BioNTech / Pfizer;

– 6.9 million from Astrazeneca / Oxford University;

– 4.5 million from Johnson & Johnson-Janssen;

– 1.9 million Moderna;

– 4 million Curevac;

– In the end, there will be vaccines for all Portuguese.

Vaccination points?

– There will be no vaccines in pharmacies in this first phase.

– Vaccines against COVID-19 will be administered entirely by the NHS.

– In this first phase, vaccination will be carried out in health centers, which may later be extended to other vaccination points.

How will the vaccines be stored?

– There will be a single central storage.

– There will be regional warehouses in the 5 ARS and in the autonomous communities.

– There may also be storage in health groups.

The former president of the PSD stressed that “it is remarkable how in less than 12 months a vaccine against covid-19 is discovered.” “In the past, the discovery of a vaccine took years. A great example from the scientific community,” he said.

Still on vaccines, Marques Mendes also addressed PALOP, with a suggestion to the President of the Republic and the Government: “as the EU is helping Portugal, it would be a good idea for the CPLP to help PALOP in its vaccination processes. For the sake of solidarity. And for the sake of protecting the Portuguese, our society today is closely linked to the Portuguese-speaking African countries. “
