Marisa Matias vs Tiago Mayan Gonçalves. “There are worrying signs and we have to do what we can”


The last debate of the space “Camino a las Presidenciales”, of SIC Notícias, was attended by Marisa Matias -candidate of the Bloco de Esquerda- and Tiago Mayan Gonçalves -candidate of the Liberal Initiative. Once again, the journalist Clara de Sousa played the role of moderator and began questioning the MEP about the general confinement that was confirmed this Saturday by the Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva. It should be remembered that the leader explained, once all the hearings in São Bento were finished, that the confinement will be similar to that experienced at the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic and that it may imply the closure of restaurants and non-food trade. However, the details were left after the Council of Ministers. In the opinion of Marisa Matias, “there are worrying signs and we have to do what we can”, and the state of emergency contributes to the reduction of infections, however, there must be “conditions for people to comply” Security measures , since “social responses and economic support” from the government are lacking.

In this sense, Clara de Sousa questioned Tiago Mayan Gonçalves about the restrictive measures he proposed, since it should be noted that, on January 3, Mayan Gonçalves accused Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa of the “social destruction” that he believes of the country. He faces, being that he said that the current president gave “a blank check” to the Government, having also added that the leader “has been sharing ‘minis’ and Berlin dances and arranging schemes to go to the beach. A candidate who calls himself the first “genuinely liberal” did not deviate from the principles that he usually disseminates and, once again, stressed that the country will not endure a new generalized confinement. ” If the Prime Minister is changing his mind it is because something is happening very serious, “he said, adding that he will participate in the Infarmed meeting to hear the opinions of the experts.” This can only be understood from Tuesday, “he admitted, continuing to call for an” immediate compensation for the activities necessary to close. “

In the interview with journalist João Adelino Faria, in December, Mayan Gonçalves blamed the Minister of Health for the choices made in the context of the pandemic, stating that Marta Temido’s ideology “killed people” in Portugal for “anti-ideological blindness. private “. It should be noted that the former president of the Jurisdiction Council of the Liberal Initiative blamed Temidos for the then “ten thousand deaths” caused by the new coronavirus, arguing that “a minister who refuses to use all the health capacity installed in the country to responding to the pandemic is useless. ” In this way, Matías recalled the opponent’s statements and assumed: “I don’t like that the deaths are political fault.” Then he stressed that he does not agree with the idea that “we managed to control this situation without measures”, and also stressed that “you cannot vote against the state of emergency” as the opponent has done. “I defend the NHS, I defend that in pandemic conditions individuals must mobilize at cost. I see Tiago Mayan asking that individuals mobilize, that there has not been a state of emergency, that economic activity continues to exist. Now, if it is to tell the state that it has to compensate, I no longer understand why it seems like a socialist perspective, ”he said.

But the politician who was involved, from the beginning, in the independent movement “Porto, our Party” did not back down and recalled that it was the Left Bloc that rejected private healthcare assistance. “Half of the excess deaths that are taking place in Portugal is not due to covid-19, this situation is undeniable and politicians have to be held accountable,” he declared, adding that “Portugal has a different and much higher value” of deaths by the new coronavirus compared to other European nations. “There are political responsibilities that must be addressed,” he emphasized, throwing splinters at the opposition by emphasizing that collaboration with the private sector should have been prepared in March at “lower prices,” and, currently, in his opinion, “we are going after the loss “to the extent that” it is impossible to know how much it will cost at this time.

As happened in the debate with Rebelo de Sousa, in which he criticized “the dream and utopia” of the liberal state, stating that “the countries that opposed the state of emergency all ended up adopting it,” also the author of works related to the environment and public health were demarcated from the point of view of Mayan Gonçalves. Matías stressed that “there is a fundamental difference” between the two, because “Tiago Mayan thinks that we would be better off with a market response” and he does not agree with this ideology, explaining that this response is reflected in “individuals who wanted 13 thousand euros per patient in the first phase of covid-19 and hospitals that have closed ”, highlighting that the public sector can give effective responses“ if there is investment ”.

Consequently, Clara de Sousa asked the researcher at the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra if individuals can be a complement and said that “there is a contradiction between what Maya said and what the Liberal Initiative says”, guaranteeing that “Mayan says he wants a universal system, but it is not true.” Thus, he alluded to the ADSE (plan for the protection of the health of state workers), stating that “extending this system to all was extending contributions, which for a liberal would be a colossal tax increase” and, therefore, maya Gonçalves intends to “put ADSE to finance the National Health Service [SNS]It should be noted that, two days ago, in the debate with the candidate João Ferreira, of the PCP, Mayan Gonçalves highlighted: “This is proof of the failure of the Government to handle this pandemic (…) Families cannot bear it, young people cannot take it, small and medium entrepreneurs cannot take it. We must do what we have not done yet: use all the installed capacity of the country, something that is not being done due to the ideological prejudice of the government ”. This Saturday, Marisa Matias contradicted the ideas of the liberal candidate, reminding him that the Portuguese SNS is “much cheaper” than the one that exists in other European countries that Mayan Gonçalves uses as an example.

In November, interviewed by Miguel Sousa Tavares, on TVI, Mayan Gonçalves demonstrated that one of his proposals is the single rate, a non-progressive income tax, contrary to the current IRS, highlighting that the measure covers an exception threshold and, therefore Therefore, “no one will pay more (…) practically everyone will pay less.” In the debate with the candidate of the Bloco de Esquerda, he justified that Portugal is a “fiscal hell” both in terms of rates and bureaucracies, which means that “we have not grown in decades and that we are on our way to being one of the poorest countries in the world. Europe”. “, highlighting that” much of the problem with this is fiscal policies. “Thus, he welcomes a transition period, but also cuts where the” state ended “, recalling that” the fiscal effort of the Portuguese has increased continuously during the last decades, people do not live to pay taxes, they live to live in your life and give your part ”.

On December 28, the PSD Parliamentary Group delivered the list of documents, entities and personalities that it intends to know in the Novo Banco investigative commission, having requested hearings with 76 people and documents from 13 entities, such as the Government or the European Central Bank. . The objective of the Social Democrats is to discover the “material truth about the management of Novo Banco, from the moment of its Resolution until today”. Consequently, with the issue on the table, Matías recalled that the banking institution had become “a bottomless pit.” Later, the MEP approached TAP’s restructuring plan, criticizing Mayan Gonçalves and saying that “he likes bankruptcies and that it doesn’t matter that thousands of people go out of business”, adding that “it is a flagship company, ours largest exporter and we need that type of company “, without pretending that it is” handed over to Lufthansa “. Still on the issue of the financial system, and questioned about the solutions that should be applied to the banks that were rescued, Mayan Gonçalves explained that the moderator is “creating an alternative about what could have happened”, concluding that “between 2008 and now , we have buried 21,000 million euros in banking ”, stating that“ it would mean much more to help companies than to release BES. ”In conclusion, the liberal candidate admitted that“ we are in a country ”in which there is not too big to fail” , resorting to the theory by which it is justified that certain companies, particularly financial institutions, are so large and interconnected that their bankruptcy would be disastrous. for the Government and, therefore, must be supported by governments when confronted. Regarding TAP, Mayan Gonçalves explained that, in his opinion, a bankruptcy process does not mean the end, but rather a “rehabilitation process if the company is viable.” However, his next statement did not seem to fit this theory: “I am not going to be a TAP shareholder,” he said.

In the final minutes of the debate, Mayan Gonçalves was asked about his confidence in what has been seen as a new Marshall Plan of the European Union, that is, the financial “bazooka”, the 1.8 billion recovery package. euros – with Portugal earning more than 45,000 million euros – a package that combines the multi-year budget for 2021-2027 and the Recovery Fund. The liberal said that if the plan is “Costa e Silva”, with the application of makeup in activities such as large public works, he will not trust it, however, he defends that it be applied in activities such as tax relief for the Portuguese.
