Marisa Matias breaks ribs and adapts presidential campaign


The presidential candidate supported by the Left Bloc, Marisa Matias, shared on social networks that she broke her ribs and, therefore, will have to adapt her campaign. “Before closing 2020, a fall caused my ribs to break. I thank the NHS and the health professionals who treated me yesterday morning at the Aveiro Hospital “, said Marisa Matias in the publication shared on Twitter, the day after suffering the fracture.

In the same text, the presidential candidate guaranteed that her injury will not prevent her from fulfilling her campaign duties and that she will have to adjust certain details in the “coming days.” “I have no lack of strength to fight for this country!” Emphasizes the BE candidate.

Marisa Matias will spend 256 thousand euros in her campaign for the presidency of the Republic. Even today, it will deliver its budget to the Constitutional Court. It is “a value significantly lower than that delivered five years ago”, which was about 454 thousand euros, can be read in the note published in your application.

“Adapting the campaign to the demands of the pandemic and safeguarding health, a third of the budget corresponds to sending the campaign newspaper to people’s homes,” the note also explains.
