Mário Ferreira continues to own 30% of TVI. Prisa claims to have “legal comfort” for sale of 64% – O Jornal Económico


Prisa said today that it has “legal comfort” to sell almost 65% of the company to various investors. The company also guarantees that the businessman Mário Ferreira maintains his 30% stake.

“PRISA informed Media Capital that the sale operations referred to here, and the respective legal and operational contours, are supported by consultation with eminent lawyers, with emphasis on an opinion prepared at the request of PRISA by Professor Doctor Paulo Mota Pinto, giving legal tranquility, in the understanding of PRISA, to the execution of the operation, in the context of the legal and regulatory framework that corresponds to it, thus complying with the regulatory and legal obligations that correspond to it ”.

According to the statement released today, Media Capital says that the “sale of shares thus carried out and, consequently, the promising contracts with the different investors now concluded, do not alter the participation of Pluris Investments, SA in Media Capital (30, 22%) therefore, in Prisa’s opinion, there is no dominant influence in place of Prisa’s control ”.

Media Capital affirms in the statement released today that Prisa “hired a Portuguese financial entity that presented potential investors, and Prisa began negotiations with a view to the sale of parts of the capital stock of Grupo Media Capital to a plurality of investors, autonomous and independent. each”.

“Media Capital was informed by PRISA that the aforementioned purchase and sale promise was executed by itself by signing several purchase and sale contracts with various investors, made separately with each of them, without the latter having knowledge of any agreement. shareholder among the acquirers, therefore, it is a question of the dispersion of 64.47% of the capital of Media Capital by the market ”.

The owner of TVI also underlines that Prisa informed her that this “dispersion of the Company’s shares among new investors will not result in a new dominance over Media Capital by these new investors, since, as far as she knows, there will be no new dominant influence to replace Prisa’s dominance ”.

Prisa points out in the statement that when the sale of 64.47% is concluded, “it will no longer have a stake in the company and, consequently, control over Media Capital.”

Prisa announced today that it sold 64.47% of Media Capital to various investors for 36 million euros. The presenter Cristina Ferreira, known for her television, will now have 2.5% of Media Capital, Jornal Economico knows.

The company that owns TVI announced that it has “signed today with a plurality of independent investors capital purchase and sale agreements” from Media Capital.

As he explains, the operation will be carried out simultaneously through the block sale of shares for a total price of 36.8 million euros, which implies a valuation of the company at 150 million euros.

At the same time, Prisa assures that the transaction represents a “premium of 63% with respect to the price per share offered by the Cofina SGPS entity in its voluntary public offering of Media Capital shares” on August 12.

As JE had reported on August 14, Prisa demanded for 64% that 36.8 million euros have now been sold. However, this delivery ended up escaping Cofina, which had already submitted two Public Tenders.
