Marcelo will only eat with five people during the Christmas season


Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa realized that the “epidemiologists were moved” by the fact that he had planned several meals with different relatives for the next few days, so he will only have one meal with five people during the Christmas season. It was he himself who announced it in statements to journalists this Wednesday, after delivering the necessary signatures for the candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic in the Constitutional Court (12,747 in total).

“It is the minimum of the minimum that I will have at Christmas,” said the President of the Republic, detailing that this meal will take place on Wednesday. “I had said I was going to have three meals, but after all, I will only have one, right at night. My Christmas is thus reduced to the 23rd. On Thursday and Friday 24 and 25 there will be no [encontros familiares]”He added.

In an interview with TVI on Monday night, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa announced that over the course of four days he would be with several households or members of his family, in the context of a restaurant and a house. His plan, however, would have to be criticized by specialists in Public Health heard by Expresso, who considered that the President of the Republic was not only preparing to disrespect the recommendations of the health authorities, but that he would be setting a bad example .

“The way the president said that Christmas will be spent is wrong, absolutely wrong,” said one of these experts, Bernardo Mateiro Gomes. “Whoever is controlling the disease on the ground expects help from those with media coverage. That is what we hope ”. With the announcement made this Wednesday, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa hopes to have solved this matter.

Speaking to journalists, he also added that, in addition to giving the necessary signatures for his candidacy, he added his campaign budget for the presidential elections, in the amount of 25 thousand euros. “I don’t intend to spend more than that.”

Asked about the accusation that had instructed the national director of PSP in the SEF case, which was directed by Ana Gomes this Tuesday, in an interview with RTP, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa declined to comment, saying that he did not want to “comment on the opinion from other candidates “.

He also did not respond to the criticisms of the candidate for the Presidency of the Republic that voting for him will be “an illusion for the socialists.” “In the future I want to make a positive campaign,” said only Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, listing what he considers to be the problems that most affect the country: the pandemic, the economic and social crisis, the country’s recovery, which will take “years” . “,” overcoming the inequalities brutally aggravated by the pandemic “and” balancing the political system. “

“I am a defender of stabilization and compromise and, in that sense, I intend to be a factor of pacification and compromise in Portuguese society,” he stressed.
