Marcelo wants confinement at the end of March to “not give the wrong signal for Holy Week”


Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa addressed the country today -after the parliament approved a new period of state of emergency- and asked that the confinement be continued at least until the end of March, so as not to encourage further relaxation of the population during the Week Santa, which marks April 4.

“They were two difficult weeks,” he began by saying, stating that “they were a few more days in this saga of almost a year, heavy for everyone, dramatic for a lot, but that allowed clarification and decision”.

“We have to make sure that Easter is not a reason to go back to what we have experienced in these weeks. By Easter, the number of infected people should be less than 2000. The prisoners go down to a room and the virus spreads to European numbers ”, he said.

Regarding the duration of the confinement, Marcelo was inflexible: “We have to maintain the confinement for another 15 days and point to March by the same path so as not to give wrong signs of Easter. We have to try more and take into account the constant challenge of continuous vaccination. Without these pieces, there is no blur. “

“We must ensure that after Easter, any opening is not an interval between two waves,” he stressed, asking to avoid political crises or scenarios of national salvation governments.

“The health crisis and the economic and social crisis are enough for us. That was the mandate that I received 5 years ago, that was the mandate that I received renewed for another 5. Solving the most serious crises, never causing a crisis and always counting on the Portuguese ”, he said.

“I want to thank you for the lockdown and call for more resistance in the near future, and give you hope. You Portuguese are, in fact, the only reason for us to be proud of Portugal ”, he concluded.
