Marcelo renews state of emergency with warnings


In the draft decree sent by the Head of State, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, to the Assembly of the Republic, on Wednesday night, it reads that “The lowest noise levels can be determined in decibels or at certain time periods, in residential buildings, so as not to disturb telecommuters.“.

This possibility was added in the part of the diploma on restrictions on the exercise of private, social and cooperative initiative.

In the chapter on workers’ rights, The possibility of providing medical attention to “any retired health professional and reservist or who has obtained their degree abroad” is maintained, but with a change, it is now established that these workers “can be recruited”, where before I read that you could “mobilize” “.

Relative to international circulation, a more complete denomination was adopted – “right to emigrate or leave the national territory and to return, and international circulation” – and The possibility of preventing or conditioning entry into the national territory was also extended to departures from the country..

At this point in the diploma that parliament will debate and vote on Thursday, the President of the Republic proposes that the Government can “establish different rules for certain categories of citizens, specifically for professional or educational reasons, such as Erasmus students.”

It remains to be noted that Controls in ports and airports to prevent the spread of Covid-19 are carried out “in conjunction with European authorities and in strict compliance with the Treaties of the European Union”.
Our diplomas

This is the eleventh state of emergency diploma that the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, presents to parliament in the current context of the 19 covid pandemic, extending this legal framework until March 1.

The current period of the state of emergency ends at 11:59 p.m. next Sunday, February 14, and was approved in Parliament with favorable votes from PS, PSD, CDS-PP and PAN, abstention from BE and votes against from PCP, ENP, Chega and Liberal Initiative.

In the terms of the Constitution, it is up to the President of the Republic to decree the state of exception, for a maximum period of fifteen days, without prejudice to possible renewals, but for this he must listen to the Government and have the authorization of Parliament.

Under this legal framework, which allows the suspension of the exercise of certain rights, freedoms and guarantees, the Government imposed a general duty of domiciliary collection and the suspension of a set of activities, which have been in force since January 15..

Since then, educational establishments have been closed with effect from January 22, first with a two-week break from school and then with distance education classes, last Monday.

c / The day after tomorrow
