Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa did not speak about Ihor Homeniuk so as not to interfere in the process – Actualidade


The first question was about the president’s absence of contacts with the widow of Ihor Homeniuk, the Ukrainian assassinated at the Lisbon airport by the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF). “I understood that the President of Portugal should not pick up the phone and call Ukraine … he should not make an exception to his procedure in Portugal.”

“In private, I have never contacted victims or relatives of victims,” ​​said the president, who said that it is a principle “not to take a position in an ongoing legal process” – “so as not to interfere.”

Even so, the President of the Republic says that he discussed the issue several times with the Prime Minister, António Costa. “I spoke about the story in May. Then, successively, no journalist asked me about the story,” he said, guaranteeing that if he had been questioned by the press, he would have said that he was in contact with the head of the Portuguese government.

Accused of having been silent for nine months about the death of Ihor Homenyuk at the SEF facilities at Lisbon airport, the head of state replied that he addressed this case “in early April” saying that his investigation should go to “the ultimate consequences “. “but he avoided interfering in the ongoing criminal process.

Asked why he did not contact the widow of this Ukrainian citizen, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa argued “that the president of Portugal should not pick up the phone and call Ukraine”, because that would be seen “as a discussion in the activity of other Portuguese authorities “. and an anticipation of the judgment. “

Faced with the fact that the body was paid for by the family and asked why “his office of influence disappeared”, the President of the Republic rejected this opinion: “It has not disappeared. I have spoken many times with the Prime Minister about this.” I do not bring talks with the Prime Minister to the public. “

“By the way, I can remember that there was a pending problem from the Government Program, which was the global reform of the SEF. It came from behind. And, therefore, what is happening is that, if we had already spoken before about this matter, the pros and cons of manipulating the SEF, for the most part, when the administrative investigation and the criminal investigation came up, we never stopped talking. It was never made public because I thought it shouldn’t be public, “he added.

Bombarded by questions from Ricardo Costa and Bernardo Ferrão, at the SIC, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa needed to ask permission to answer the questions, stressing that he will not “anticipate the judgment of the courts”, and pointing to a “new SEF”, which means the transfer of border control to other entities.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa defended that “a new Foreigners and Borders Service” is needed.

“A new SEF, it is the Government that decides, but it probably means the transfer of border control powers from the SEF to other police entities. And this is a difficult revolution, that’s why it took so long to be debated ”, he considered.

Should there be TAP? I think so

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa defended that TAP must restructure and pay the respective price, considering that the company is fundamental for Portugal.

In the interview with SIC, which lasted about 40 minutes, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said that TAP must exist mainly “for a very simple reason: it is called Portuguese communities.” “Is it to be understood that this should weigh in terms of financial contribution at a time when the pandemic brought a generalized situation to the previous TAP situation? I think so. There has to be a restructuring and the price of that must be paid. restructuring, “he added.

The head of state and presidential candidate said that “it is mandatory” that this process go through the European organizations and designated the Government as the sovereign body “competent”.

In his opinion, “the Assembly has a voice, yes, if there are budgetary repercussions”, but the Government said that the State Budget for 2021 includes the amount associated with this restructuring plan, which it has not yet received.

“Then, behave yourself, probably the Assembly argues, and should discuss, but does not deliberate,” he reinforced.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said that he had “the exact notion” of what could happen in the long term in relation to TAP: “I have the notion, as I have the notion in relation to Novo Banco. Being president forces you to have this notion , in the morning, in the afternoon and at night, for five consecutive years “.

The president is not only for good things

Faced with the shortage of flu vaccines after guarantees that everyone who wanted to be vaccinated could do so, Marcelo took responsibility, saying that it was based on the guarantees he gave Marta Temido. Even so, he considers that, even because the first state of emergency was his idea, to assume responsibility for health management.

“The Pfizer vaccine is a long process that can last until the end of the year,” warned Marcelo, recalling that vaccines from other manufacturers are behind schedule.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa granted the first interview today after announcing his reelection to the Presidency of the Republic. The current head of state succeeded Aníbal Cavaco Silva in 2016, who, like the other three presidents of the post-April 25 republic before him, served two terms in Belém.

The 2021 presidential elections will take place on January 24.
