Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, Ana Gomes and André Ventura will receive at least 23,000 euros in political aid – O Jornal Economico


Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, Ana Gomes and André Ventura will receive at least 23 thousand euros in political subsidies, all of which managed to obtain more than 5% of the votes of the Portuguese.

According to the Law on the Financing of Political Parties and Electoral Campaigns, “candidates for the Presidency of the Republic who obtain at least 5% of the votes” are entitled to receive political subsidies. Thus, the National Electoral Commission (CNE) foresees a total of 3.5 million euros divided into two “slices”: 20% are distributed equally by applications that were above 5%, the remaining 80% are distributed in the proportion of electoral results ”.

The 20% divided equally among the three candidates corresponds to a participation of at least 23 thousand euros in political aid. The remaining 80% will be distributed according to the results obtained, being that Marcelo managed to obtain 60.70% of the votes, most of the money corresponds to the reelected president.

To obtain the money, candidates had to submit a budget in electronic format by the last day of the application deadline. Something that everyone did, with André Ventura presenting a budget of 160 thousand euros, Ana Gomes estimated spending 53,500 euros on this campaign and Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa 30,500 euros.

According to the CNE, “the subsidy is requested from the President of the Assembly of the Republic within 15 days after the official declaration of the electoral results. The Assembly of the Republic advances, within a maximum period of 15 days from the delivery of the request, the amount corresponding to 50% of the estimated amount for the subsidy ”.
