Marcelo promotes the mandatory use of masks in public spaces – O Jornal Económico


Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa promulgated this Monday the diploma that requires the use of a mask in public spaces, can be read on the website of the Presidency of the Republic.

“The President of the Republic today issued the diploma of the Assembly of the Republic that, exceptionally, determines, for 70 days, the mandatory use of a mask for access, circulation or permanence in public spaces and roads”, according to information provided .

This Friday, the Assembly of the Republic approved the mandatory use of a mask in public spaces to stop the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. The legislative initiative was approved with the vote against the Liberal Initiative and the abstention of the Left Bloc, PCP, PEV and the deputy Joacine Katar Moreira.

The bill, presented by the PSD and now approved in Parliament, with some changes, determines the “exceptionally mandatory” use of masks, especially reusable masks, “for access or stay in public spaces and roads”, “provided the physical distance recommended by the health authorities is impractical ”. Therefore, the use of a mask will be mandatory for at least three months and this measure can be renewed.

The obligation applies to all citizens over ten years of age, and there may be exemptions in the case of “people who are part of the same household, when they are not in the proximity of third parties” or by presenting a medical certificate of disability polyvalent or medical statement that the clinical condition or cognitive impairment does not allow the use of masks.

The statute also establishes that compliance with the foreseen obligations is the responsibility of the security forces and the municipal police. The use of a mask is not mandatory only when “it is incompatible with the nature of the activities that people are carrying out”. Failure to comply with the measure constitutes an offense, punishable by a fine of between 100 and 500 euros.
