Marcelo opens the door to the sale of books and wants little noise in the buildings by teleworking – O Jornal Económico


The President of the Republic opens the door so that books can be sold in establishments during the new state of emergency that runs from February 15 to March 1.

In the presidential bill sent today to Parliament, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa stipulates that “limitations may be established on the sale of certain products in establishments that remain open, with the exclusion of books and school supplies, which must remain available to students and citizens in general “.

As in the previous document, released on January 27, the President once again establishes that “the total or partial closure of establishments, services, companies or means of production may be determined by the competent public authorities and changes to the respective regime or the opening hours are imposed ”. But now he goes further by detailing that books and school supplies can be sold in establishments that will remain open from February 15.

The presidential decree project thus allows the sale of books and school supplies in establishments that remain open in the new state of emergency, and it remains to be seen whether the Government, which meets on Thursday, will allow the sale of books in supermarkets or bookstores. . it will reopen, or both.

Another novelty of this draft decree is that noise in buildings may be limited in buildings due to teleworking. “The lowest noise levels can be determined in decibels or in certain hourly periods, in residential buildings, so as not to disturb teleworkers.”
