Marcelo admits that the Portuguese have been deceived with the flu vaccine and asks not to generate expectations with the Covid vaccine – O Jornal Economico


Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa assumed that the Portuguese were misled about the amount of flu vaccines and asked that the expectations of the Portuguese were not high regarding the Covid-19 vaccine.

In response to Miguel Sousa Tavares, a TVI journalist who is in quarantine, Marcelo admitted: “it is true, the Portuguese were deceived and I already recognized it in an interview” regarding the number of doses of the influenza vaccine. In the past, both the President of the Republic and the Minister of Health affirmed that vaccines exist for all Portuguese.

“I acknowledged that I said based on the conviction of the Minister of Health that she herself did not expect that movement that existed,” stressed Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

This time, with the Covid-19 vaccine, the process is different. “I made an effort to talk with the vaccine producers, those first two who will arrive to inform exactly what were not only the quantities in terms of vaccines, the conditions of intake, the two doses of the two vaccines that are in question, the Pfizer and Modern and then I followed the planning announced by the coordinator as best I could, ”said Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

Despite the monitoring of the president, he explains that “what I have been insisting on is the following: do not raise expectations for the Portuguese because he begins to get vaccinated on the 27th, it is true, health professionals and the first risk group, the first dose. The second dose will be 30 days later, so no one is fully vaccinated with two doses before the end of January ”.

“I hope that the first group, 900,000, are vaccinated and then vaccinated and what is planned is the mobile calendar, the Minister of Health has had, the mobile calendar that can end in March or April, which I hope is that it does not exceed March to April because a second group of risk is not because it is mine because I have always understood that the heads of organs should not go ahead, nor the presidential candidates, but the problem is that the second group ”, said Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

The presidential candidate stressed that “the number of vaccines at the European level is guaranteed.” “The European Union has just started the option and bought twice as many modern vaccines, why? because Astrazeneca is late and because Johnson & Johnson is late and to compensate, it is compensating with Pfizer and Moderna.

“Now, I am drawing the attention of those responsible. There is no doubt that the plan is there that there are 1,200 health centers, everything is ready to act at the moment, but there is a time when, for example, there will be people taking the second dose and others taking the first dose. first dose. and therefore this means twice as many people, ”he said.
