Marcelo: ″ It is a very limited and preventive state of emergency ″


The Portuguese have “a new test in November” to “avoid an aggravated December” and “more drastic restrictions”, warned Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

After signing the decree of the second state of emergency in the country due to the covid-19 pandemic, “which he met in the last month and a half a very fast and negative evolution that needs to be“, Marcelo Rebelo de Sausa appealed to the efforts of all the Portuguese in a statement live from Belém.

He considered that, after eight months of pandemic, the country “has an essential test in November“and”The weeks that follow have to be a collective effort, to contain the disturbing increase in the number of hospitalized.” for “Avoid a whole December aggravated me with that more drastic restrictions for all of us undesirable“.

In this sense, Marcelo said that the state of emergency “will be reassessed at the end of November, in its scope and content “.

The President of the Republic wanted to highlight the “broad convergence between the President of the Republic, the Assembly of the Republic, the Government, the parties and the social partners “and” a parliamentary majority of 84% in favor of the state of emergency and of 94% that did not oppose it “, which shows that the Portuguese “feel that they must remain united in essential moments.”

Furthermore, he argued that “It is a very limited and largely preventive state of emergency.“,” without mandatory confinements “and” because it focuses on preventing the growth of the pandemic. “And in this context, he said that” it allows the screening to be extended, “” it opens up to new measures such as the limitation of circulation at certain times and days in the highest risk municipalities ”and“ requires greater coordination, preferably with an agreement and always with fair compensation, between the National Health Service and the private and social or cooperative sector ”.

Finally, he spoke of “commitment” to “accelerate investment in health and in particular its heroic professionals” and also in “trust” to “try to guarantee everyone, covid and non-covid patients, the right to life and health.”

“A challenge that does not end in this month of November, nor in December, nor very likely in the first months of 2021, but that again has an essential test in November,” defended the President of the Republic.

“November is one more test of our moderation, of our serenity, of our resistance that we will live in solidarity and with determination,” said the head of state.

Parliament approved, this Friday, the decree of the President of the Republic that establishes a new period of state of emergency, between November 9 and 23.

This Friday, Portugal registered 5,550 cases of covid-19, the highest daily value of infected since the start of the pandemic, and 52 deaths, the second worst number of deaths from the new coronavirus. The number of hospitalized patients also breaks records: 2,425, of which 340 in intensive care.
