Maradona’s doctor presents himself to the judicial authorities


Dr. Leopoldo Luque offered himself to the judicial authorities on Monday to explain the circumstances in which the death of Argentine star Diego Maradona occurred, after the house and office were searched.

Luque, who was accompanied by the lawyer, explained to prosecutors that they are investigating the circumstances of Maradona’s death, which occurred on Wednesday, after the family admitted that they wanted to clarify what kind of treatment the former soccer player has received since the incident. operation on the head until the day of death.

Júlio Rivas, the lawyer who accompanied Luque, assured that the doctor made himself available to the authorities, after he defended himself on Sunday against the accusations of negligence in the death of the ‘star’, saying that he “loved” him. which is “available”. of justice “and that” he has nothing to hide. “

“There was information from the Public Ministry to ensure that there was no formal accusation, but the truth is that raids were made at Luque’s house and office,” said the lawyer, guaranteeing that the neurosurgeon “was a friend of Maradona.”

“Those who were with Maradona know well what happened and what Luque’s intervention was. He operated and it went well,” said the lawyer, adding: “There was no house arrest, the decision was Maradona’s, he was lucid.” and I could decide what I preferred. “

Maradona’s lawyer, Matías Morla, published a tweet this Monday in which he defended the doctor: “I understand and share the work of justice, but I know that Dr. Luque, everything he did for Diego’s health and how he he took care of and accompanied him as he wanted. Diego loved him and, as his friend, I will not leave him alone. “

On Thursday, Morla called for an investigation into the death of the 60-year-old former footballer, considering “inexplicable that for 12 hours” Maradona “has not been treated or controlled by the health professionals who treated him.”

Earlier this month, “El Pibe” was admitted to a Buenos Aires hospital, anemic, dehydrated and depressed, and ended up being successfully operated on for a subdural hematoma, which had been detected during a routine examination.

Since he was discharged from hospital on November 11, Maradona has been residing in his villa in Tigre, in the province of Buenos Aires, where he died on Wednesday after suffering cardiac arrest.
