Maradona. The player’s nurse admits she lied by saying she saw him the morning of his death


Dahiana Gisela Madrid, a nurse who was at Diego Armando Maradona’s house, the morning the player died, guaranteed that she heard him enter the room at 7:30 a.m., although he never entered the division and chose to rest to the ace. and wrote that he saw it in a medical report.

“At 7:30 am I heard him move inside the room,” the nurse reportedly told the San Isidro Attorney General’s Office, who transmitted this information in a press release issued this Friday. However, in the second statement, the nurse said that the Medidom company, which focuses on home health care, for which she works, forced her to write in a medical report that she had tried to “watch over” Maradona when, in reality, she let him rest and did not enter the room.

According to the Argentine news agency Clarín Deportes, a judicial source close to the case said: “This is what he wrote in the report he delivered to the company, but in court, both times he testified under oath, he acknowledged that he had never entered in that room that morning. “

On the other hand, the Argentine news agency Télam released details of the report signed by Madrid. The document says: “6:30 am: the patient rests”, “7:30 am: you can hear wandering in the room, diuresis [urina] in a portable toilet “,” 8:30 am: continues to rest “,” 9:20 am: refuses to check vital signs “,” 10:45 am: Dr. Cosachov informed me that she was on her way to the psychologist. He said that he should wait to administer the medication and that he would modify it. “Then, the health professional clarified that, at 11:55 am, when the psychiatrist Susana Cosachov and the psychologist Carlos Díaz arrived, they forced entry to the room “after several attempts in which the patient did not react.”

These contradictions are generating controversy, since Madrid indicates that, at 12:10 hours, Maradona was “without a pulse” and performed “basic cardiorespiratory resuscitation”, having asked “private security personnel” to “do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.” to the patient and adding that he asked them to call an ambulance “which arrived at his house at 12:17 pm”. “The resuscitation took place for approximately 30 minutes when four ambulances arrived with professionals who performed advanced resuscitation maneuvers. All health personnel alternated maneuvers ”.

The Office of the Attorney General of the Nation, which is investigating the circumstances of Maradona’s death, managed to determine that the first ambulance took 11 minutes to reach San Andrés, in Villanueva. According to the judicial entity, in the telephone call, Maradona’s doctor did not reveal the name of the patient, referring only to a person “exactly 60 years old” who was in cardiopulmonary arrest. On the other hand, the Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that the first testimony of the nurse was recorded in the early morning of November 25, but it was another person who saw the player alive for the last time.

“In the statements it was clear that he [enfermeiro] would have been the last person to see him alive at approximately 6:30 am. He said that he found him resting in his bed, guaranteeing that he slept and breathed normally ”, shared Clarín Deportes, adding that the nurse named Ricardo finished her shift at 6:30 am, when the nurse Dahiana would have started working. A nurse will have voluntarily collaborated with the authorities, making the mobile phone available so that they can access their WhatsApp history and confirm that they released the news with the Medidom company, that is, the fact that Maradona was alive when changing shifts .

It should be noted that the autopsy revealed that Diego Maradona died as a result of “acute secondary lung edema and exacerbated chronic heart failure”, and an “enlarged cardiomyopathy” was also discovered in his heart, a pathology that produces an increase in the valves. heart attacks. This disease is related to changes in the heart muscle in which the ventricles increase in size and cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs, leading to heart failure.

It is recalled that the former player – considered one of the best footballers of all time – was known for several controversies with drug use. Maradona even overdosed and fell into a coma. After being hospitalized, El Pibe claimed to be completely clean and that he had not used drugs for more than 13 years. The doctors went to the public at that time to confirm the information, adding that he was “completely clean of cocaine”, but admitted that at “some moments” he had committed “excesses with alcoholic beverages.”
