Mar destroys house in Esposende and puts at risk another in which six people live


The Bloco de Esquerda (BE) accused the Câmara de Esposende of “repeatedly violating” the plan to safeguard the natural and landscape values ​​of its coastal area by “licensing new constructions and extensions” of buildings in primary dunes.

In two questions posed to the Government, through the Ministries of Environment and Finance, to which Lusa had access today, a group of BE deputies in the Assembly of the Republic denounces that “a new house is being built in the dune from Suave Mar primary beach, in Esposende [distrito de Braga], in the Natural Park of the North Coast and in the area of ​​the Natura 2000 Network ”.

The deputies of the blockade want to know “are you aware of the construction of a new two-story building on the main dune of Suave Mar beach” and, if so, “how does the Government assess the construction of a new building in that area? place”.

The ministries of José Pedro Matos Fernandes and João Leão are also questioned if they consider “that the construction, expansion and reconstruction of buildings in the dune cord of the Esposende municipality is compatible with the objectives established in the Plan of Ordination of the North Coast Natural Park and areas of the Natura 2000 Network, as well as the guidelines of the Caminha-Espinho Coastal Coast Management Plan ”.

According to the deputies, “on the construction site there was a house now demolished to make way for a new two-story building”, with “the place where the new house was built was excavated and the sand was removed, which caused damage to the main dune of the park. Natural”.

“The land where the building is to be located is located a few meters from the sea, and may be inserted in the Public Water Domain (maritime) and in an area at risk of erosion or maritime invasion. The competent entities should have been consulted to clarify whether that area of ​​the coastal strip is subject to a special protection regime ”, adds BE.

For the Block, “it is unacceptable that the Esposende City Council re-license a new large-volume construction in that sensitive area of ​​the coast, after having already made possible the expansion and construction of other houses in the same place.”

The construction of the Esposende dune is controversial. The camera says that PDM allows

BE, therefore, accuses the municipality of Esposende of “repeatedly violating the objectives of planning and safeguarding the natural and landscape values ​​of the coastal area of ​​the municipality by authorizing the new construction and expansion of buildings in the primary dunes”, considering that the Municipal Master Plan of the Municipality of Esposende should prohibit the construction, expansion and reconstruction of buildings in the dune cord, at least since its last update in 2015 ”.

Blockers also want to know whether “the land, or part of the land, where the new construction will be built belongs to the public water domain” and, if so, whether “private ownership of that land, or part of the land, was recognized by competent court “.

BE is also concerned if the “Portuguese Environmental Agency (APA) proceeded with the process of delimiting the Public Water Domain in that coastal strip” and if it was consulted and issued an opinion (s) on the license for new constructions and extensions of buildings on the main dune of Suave Mar beach, in Esposende ”.

“There is nothing to prevent the existing building / construction from being the subject of urban interventions”

When the MINHO reported the matter six months ago, the Chamber of Esposende explained that “the building / building in question is located in an area covered by the Municipal Master Plan (PDM), Coastal Coastal Management Plan (POOC) and Plan of Planning of the Natural Park of the North Coast (POPNLN) ”.

“Thus, and in accordance with the POOC letter of order, the building is located in an area of ​​normative application of the Municipal Land Use Plans (PMOT); According to the POOC charter, the building is part of the Natura 2000 Network; According to the POPNLN synthesis plan, the building is located in an area without a protection regime ”, adds the autarky, adding that,“ therefore, the provisions of the PDM apply ”.

“And the current PDM qualifies the site in question as urbanized land, as far as operational qualification is concerned, with nothing to do with respect to heritage and safeguard values. The same current document (PDM) establishes the place as residential areas of housing, with regard to functional classification, without noting anything in the letter of conditions, ”the Chamber underlines in the note sent to O MINHO.

Therefore, the autarky continues, “with the necessary adaptation to current urban planning instruments, which is verified, which is verified, nothing prevents the existing building from being the object of urban interventions, that is, the object of reform and extension works”.

The municipality of Esposendense says that the only entity consulted, due to its location, was the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests (ICNF), because the building is located in the Natura 2000 Network. And that entity understood that, in the In the case of an area where the building standards contained in the PDM are exclusively applicable, no opinion was issued (letter 57487/2018 / DCNF-N / DPAP of 18.10.2018).

“It should be noted that the building in question has one story below the threshold level and two stories above the threshold level. And so it appears on the license that was issued. It refers more to the fact that the number of floors is compatible with that foreseen in the PDM for the place ”, the Chamber emphasizes.
